Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

annessi e connessi

English translation:


Added to glossary by eftichismeni (X)
Aug 12, 2005 15:58
19 yrs ago
52 viewers *
Italian term

annessi e connessi

Italian to English Law/Patents Real Estate preliminary sale contract, property sale contract
La promessa vendita è fatta ed accettata a corpo e non a misura, con tutti gli annessi e connessi, affissi ed infissi, usi e servitù, adiacneze, dipendenze e pertinenze.....ecc ecc - Thanks for any help SUE

Proposed translations

5 mins


it stays for "annessi e connessi"
Peer comment(s):

agree Stefano Asperti
2 mins
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I would have picked appurtenances, but this was already in there, so went for this and it seemed to fit the bill nicely. Thanks to everyone. SUE"
7 mins

with what goes with it/ with all the appendages

I often heard these expressions but I don't know if they're used in this context also...
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13 mins


Appurtenant: Belonging to, accessory or incident to. Employed in leases for the purpose of including any easements or servitudes used or enjoyed with the demised premises.
Peer comment(s):

agree Vittorio Felaco
29 mins
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