Oct 18, 2011 08:32
13 yrs ago
Italian term
calcando il palcoscenico
Italian to English
Sports / Fitness / Recreation
The subject we're talking about is Motor Racing. Here's the whole sentence: "In questi anni XXX, calcando il palcoscenico internazionale delle competizioni, ebbe modo di accumulare molte esperienze ed instaurare quelle relazioni interpersonali, che in futuro si sarebbero rivelate come importanti conoscenze."
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
25 mins
Italian term (edited):
calcando il palcoscenico internazionale delle competizioni
on the international competitive stage
These years on the international competitive stage enabled XXX to develop broad experience and...
('on the international stage' retains the theatrical metaphor and slots the 'competitive' element in quite smoothly.). HTH.
('on the international stage' retains the theatrical metaphor and slots the 'competitive' element in quite smoothly.). HTH.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "thanks"
8 mins
treading the boards of international competition
This would work with the theatre metaphor.
47 mins
Italian term (edited):
calcando il palcoscenico internazionale delle competizioni
(by) focusing on international competition
Literally it's focusing on the stage of international competition, but the on the stage of part can be dispensed with, IMO.
1 hr
by being present on the international racing scene
Nobody can see any effective theatrical metaphors which work here in English so just gloss over it, forgetting the theatre and just say because he was there, otherwise it will sound unnatural (best not to try than to try and then make a mess).
Note added at 1 hr (2011-10-18 10:06:42 GMT)
Perhaps I should have said "which work *well* here".
Note added at 1 hr (2011-10-18 10:06:42 GMT)
Perhaps I should have said "which work *well* here".
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Barbara Carrara
: Jolly good!
27 mins
agree |
Daniela Zambrini
55 mins
agree |
casper (X)
: How about by his presence on... , Jim ?
2 hrs
Yes, there are many ways, depending on how you do the rest of teh sentence. I think the important thing is to avoid metaphors which don't work well, and also "racing" in place of competition. A race is a competition by definition.