Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Italian term or phrase:
fornitura e posa in opera di impermeabilizzazioni
English translation:
supply and installation of waterproofing (systems)
Added to glossary by
Russell Jones
Jan 3, 2003 10:42
22 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Italian term
fornitura e posa in opera di impermeabilizzazioni
Italian to English
è l'oggetto di certificazione di un'azienda
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
13 mins
supply and installation of waterproofing (systems)
"supply and install" is a standard expression in the building (and other) industries.
For example:
"Duradek Lower Mainland supply and install waterproofing membrane for decks, balconies and patios."
For example:
"Duradek Lower Mainland supply and install waterproofing membrane for decks, balconies and patios."
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
8 mins
supply and installation of waterproofing
Senza altro contesto è un po' difficile ma mi sarei orientata in questo modo!
13 mins
supply and laying of weather-proofing materials
I like weather-proofing better than waterproofing...covers more options (snow, sleet, hail, rain, etc)
1 hr
I don't usually add comments once an answer has been chosen but as I have had
complaints from others about similar situations I am presuming that Russell had not seen my answer and that his overlapped mine, but in these cases it is up to the asker to make a decision that reflects the time and trouble we all take to reply.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Russell Jones
: Overlap I'm afraid Angela but timing shows you were there first
28 mins
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