Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

maestro di generazioni di fotografi

English translation:

Master of generations of photographers

Added to glossary by Ambra Giuliani
Dec 2, 2009 06:35
15 yrs ago
Italian term

maestro di generazioni di fotografi

Italian to English Other Tourism & Travel Description of leaflet on photo exhibition
Context: La fotografia accompagna i viaggi sin dalla sua nascita e spesso i viaggi si fanno per fotografare. XXXX, curatore della mostra, ha chiesto ad alcuni fotografi italiani, XXXX, XXXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX e XXXX di selezionare poche immagini, per lo più inedite, sempre personali di ricordi di viaggi carichi di emozioni, di forte significato.
Il tutto a partire e in relazione ad un nucleo centrale di dieci immagini selezionate da XXXX che fungono da riferimento, lui maestro di generazioni di fotografi, per l’intera mostra
Change log

Dec 16, 2009 04:16: Ambra Giuliani Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

24 mins

Master of generations of photographers

Using the word "master" as the epitome of a man's artistic ability. The one who sets the highest standard of artistic achievement and who all artists want to emulate and learn form.
Peer comment(s):

agree claudiocambon : Mastery is over a medium, not other artists. Perhaps a Master to generations of photographers.
6 mins
I thought I wrote Master. lol
agree Sarah Jane Webb : or even Maestro, capitalized.
34 mins
Grazie. I think Maestro is more associated with the musical field.
agree khogan : I would say: himself a Master to generations of photographers
6 hrs
Thanks for your contribution,
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
5 mins

he who taught several generations of photographers

This seems to fit the goofy syntax of the original OK.
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45 mins

the mentor of generations of photographers

"Master" is ambiguous.
Peer comment(s):

agree Shera Lyn Parpia : maybe "mentor to ..."
46 mins
Thanks, Shera. Definitely.
agree claudiocambon : With Shera Lyn
1 hr
Thanks, Claudio!
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1 day 15 hrs

charismatic teacher of generations of photographers

I personally like charismatic teacher ..
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