Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Japanese term or phrase:
English translation:
Tempra coated with julienne cut vegetables
Japanese term
May 30, 2010 22:55: humbird Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
Tempra coated with julienne cut vegetables
julienne cut をどのように作るかはこのサイトで。
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Mika Jarmusz
: イカ・シラス・ニンジンの松葉揚げなど、具そのものが松葉状になっていることもあるようです。質問自体が情報不足かもしれませんね。
1 hr
agree |
Joyce A
: "julienned xx?xx tempura" sounds yummy to me. Like Mika says, there isn't enough information. If dunk-san has photos to help in translating, that'll help fill in the "final touches" on this question.
14 hrs
Thank you Joyce.
noodle coating
"The coatings you might use....", and then the category of noodles is shown, and it defines it as "matsuba-age".
Matsuba crab tempura/snow crab tempura
2006年06月25日 | ・その他の魚介類
松葉がにの足の天ぷら 揚げることで甘味が増します,
Yes, been there several times. My best meal there is ordering a matsuba kani ("pine leaves crab") which is a seasonal item around the winter time (thought not 100% sure).
Kinosaki is also known for its seafood, specifically “matsuba kani” (crab). Prime crab season is between the months of November and March, but matsuba kani can be enjoyed all year round. Any trip toKinosaki should include at least one meal consisting of the delicious crab of the area.
Note added at 1 hr (2010-05-07 14:48:05 GMT)
Please keep my answer as "Matsuba crab tempura" since I just remembered that "snow crab" is zuwai gani.... (I've done some tempura menus and tempura website translations and it's coming back to me....)
The representative winter seafood in Sanin region is matsuba crab (also known as snow crab). Iwami-cho in East Tottori is the very area that boasts the largest catches of matsuba crab in Japan, and crabs dominate the town every year from November to early
disagree |
: Hi Joyce, it does not necessary take this type of crab to make this type of tempra. Any ingredient (may include the crab meat) is cut into match-stick julienne, and the main ingredient is coated with it before deep fried.
2 hrs
Hi humbird. Your comments are so perfect. (My mind was on "beluga on toast" where the word "caviar" isn't necessary.) Couldn't sleep last night thinking about this tempura style. I think "matchsticks" fits the description. I've given dunk some references
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Mika Jarmusz
: humbirdさんのコメント通り、松葉ガニとはほぼ無関係だと思います。
4 hrs
True. Humbird-san is entirely correct. I always value her comments as well as your additional input.
coated deep fried dish like fried squid ......
Note added at 4 hrs (2010-05-07 17:25:39 GMT)
松葉 means pine needle and its form is thin and long ;these are stripes,
for 松葉上げare any ingredients ok. , but they are cutted in lon stripes;
maybe you can say something like "(seasonal)stripe cutted deep fried foods"or as humbrid said " julienne cut tempura" (but only few understands this?!!) or stripe cutted tempura,...
Note added at 4 hrs (2010-05-07 17:37:29 GMT)
or "pine needle cutted battered deep fried "
Tempura (天麩羅, tenpura?, also written as "天ぷら"), which is of Portuguese origin, is a popular Japanese dish of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried.
"pine needles" tempura
Note added at 1 day6 hrs (2010-05-08 19:39:48 GMT)
pine needlesが「引用符をつけても」まだチクチクするようなら
bumbirdさんがご提案のjulienned をプラスして
julienned "pine needles" tempura ではいかがでしょうか。
disagree |
: "disagree" はきついのでしたくないのですが、そういうのって「かき揚げ」のことではないでしょうか。それにpine needlesといってもなんのことかわからないでしょう。
45 mins
disagreeが相応しいときにはしてくださっていいです。Let the English speakers decide if air-quoted "pine needles" conveys what's intended.
neutral |
Joyce A
: Hi Mika. I think "pine needles" is too literal. The term can give the customer the impression that the inside of their mouth will hurt (ouch) if they tried it.
9 hrs
Hi Joyce, thanks for your comments. The difference is in the double quotation marks, I would like to think :)
Reference comments
(Deep-fried Prawns in a Noodle Coating)
Note added at 23 hrs (2010-05-08 12:34:36 GMT)
deep-frying with a coating of finely cut noodles that looks like pine needles