Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:

pessoa de modos simples

English translation:

unassuming person

Added to glossary by Norbert Hermann
Jan 28, 2003 18:35
22 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Portuguese term

pessoa de modos simples

Non-PRO Portuguese to English Other
descrição de uma pessoa não sofisticada e modesta.

Proposed translations

55 mins

unassuming person


Note added at 2003-01-28 19:36:39 (GMT)

modest and not pretentious - just like me :-))!
Peer comment(s):

agree Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : sorry didn't see this; this is the only correct answer
3 mins
thanks Jane
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
4 mins

low profile

Peer comment(s):

agree Ana Carneiro
7 hrs
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8 mins

a frugal person


Note added at 2003-01-28 18:50:48 (GMT)

Eu acho que essa mania de se copiar e colar páginas do Google dentro da resposta deveria ser definitivamente interrompida. Há um campo, na verdade dois, para se apresentar as referências. Além de poluir bastante a página, o que se quer dizer com isso? É óbvio que aquele ou aquela que introduz esse tipo de poluição não visitou cada um dos links ali relacionados, portanto esse é o tipo de informação que não se pode nem se deve confiar. Vamos lá, pessoal, vamos manter limpas não só as prais como nossas páginas aqui no ProZ.

Peer comment(s):

agree Daniel Marcus : Good point about google. It's often a waste of space copying huge chunks of google. If your really sure the ref is RELEVANT, then give the URL. Not sure about 'frugal', though!
49 mins
Acho que eu vou copiar e colar as 275 ocorrências de "frugal person". Quem sabe assim eu dou peso à minha sugestão. :))
disagree Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : I use google because I know how to use it and it's a way to emphasize my answers as a native speaker :) frugal is not modos simples
53 mins
Maybe you don't really know what "modos simples" is all about. You should consider giving it a wider connotation, to say the least. Regarding Google, why don't you read all those pages in order to check if the information provided is really relevant?
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8 mins

Down to earth person


Note added at 2003-01-28 18:52:54 (GMT)

Marge is not stuffy or bookish, she\'s a very real, down-to-earth person,\" said wilderness society member Chris Prison. \"When she\'s around, you feel happy.\"

Note added at 2003-01-28 18:56:00 (GMT)

The look is what Bonnie likes in real life. She likes to incorporate her real life into the show to a certain degree, and she wants the sets to look real,\" Noyes says.\"She\'s a very down to earth person.
Peer comment(s):

agree Daniel Marcus : you got there first! good one!
3 mins
agree Janis Carter
18 mins
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8 mins

man of simple means

like the quote from My Fair Lady...

Rent, Groceries And Gasoline
... Said all I need is that Cadillac car I'm headin' for a brand new start I was in
way too deep Straightened out my priorities I'ma man of simple means Just rent ... - 3k - Cached - Similar pages

No flowers do I have to give, No castle by the sea, I offer you a ...
... time. The tale was written long ago, Of a man of simple means, Who'd
given all he had to give, To fulfill his only dream. Within ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ]

Children, Kcbones and a man with a mission
... The "DIVINE ONKAR MISSION" is a non-religeous,UK based charity and was founded by
Tersam Lal Nagi, a man of simple means who's compassion was inspired by an ... - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

Topic of the Month: Movie Trailers
... begins softly. "In a small town in rural England, there lived a man
of simple means. But by no means was that man simple.". Ah, the ... - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

Washington, DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project ...
... his inspiring voice. A simple man of simple means; yet his extraordinary
vision left a legacy yet to be rivaled. His words, his ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

Questions for Roman Catholics, Part 3
... (24) If the Lord had nowhere to lay His head, a simple man of simple means, why
then does His alleged Vicar live in a palace amidst treasures and sensual ... - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

Diversey High School -- Home of the Whopper
... Diversey High History. On October 13, 1901, a very special man was born.
He was a man of simple means, of ways and means, but he was never mean. ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

Forum Message. Topic: Re:Re:Life of Brian and too much. Posted by: po man. Date/Time:
01/11/2002 04:02:01. Mr Lookout I am a simple man of simple means. ... ShowMessage.asp?ID=1223 - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Lyrics - Rent, Groceries, and Gasoline
... my mind Got a pretty girl along for the ride She's the adventurous kind I got everything
I need Straightend out my priorities I'ma man of simple means Just rent ... 589703A04E1C849648256A39002C3F46 - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

asst 5
... Farm Supply, but his son has taken over the business He drinks Pabst not because
he cant afford a better beer, but because he a man of simple means, who doesn ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages
Peer comment(s):

agree Ana Rita Santiago
9 mins
agree Daniel Marcus : nice, in a more literary way.
50 mins
neutral Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : meios simples?
56 mins
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12 mins


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21 mins

a simple-mided, humble person


Note added at 2003-01-28 19:18:22 (GMT)

\"We have no secret desire,\" is the first; \"what is there to desire? We must live as our fathers did before us and then die like them.\" This mentality may be compared to the simple villager\'s attitude of life. Humble people, simple folk, give us such an answer. Wordsworth in his \"Ode to Duty\" refers to this simple-minded class of humble people \"who do thy work, and know it not.\" The desire in them has not become active

Note added at 2003-01-28 19:20:48 (GMT)

Sorry: simple-minded
Peer comment(s):

agree Clauwolf
10 mins
Obrigado Clauwolf
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35 mins

self-effacing person

Consider this sort of person - ... Wouldn’t we think him a better person—not just morally better but better as a friend for example—if he were more self-effacing and modest? ... review of

Liturgical Vehicles and Sacramental Signposts, by Andrew Furlong ... - ... Jesus, it seems to me, was a self-effacing person who wanted to point people to the mystery of a God of immense tenderness, understanding and concern. ...

Davids Home Page: About me - ... Being a quiet, self-effacing person sort of person, I dont give away a lot about myself at the best of times, let alone for all the world to see, so it is ...
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58 mins

unassuming person


see all these examples
A big elevation for an unassuming person. By Our Staff Reporter. ... 03/stories/2002110301240900.htm - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

News, Online Edition
... More... ‘Pearl was a gentle, unassuming person’ By PAPRI SRI RAMAN.
CHENNAI: I find it difficult to believe that anyone could ... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

News, Online Edition
... Pearl was a gentle, unassuming person’ CHENNAI: I find it difficult to believe
that anyone could kidnap or kill such a gentle and unassuming journalist as ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

Quiet Wyatt - Tombstone History Archives
... more than ordinary attainments and character, but years were to pass and I was to
live many decades in daily contact with this quiet, unassuming person; I was ... quietwyattsource.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

Geometry.Net - Scientists: Jeffreys Sir Harold
... as a mathematician, for all his wide and deep knowledge, for all he had done to develop
geophysics, was at heart a very friendly, unassuming person, quite free ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

The Sag Harbor Express
... But how such an unassuming person had managed to hold on to and then disperse such
wealth throughout the community without anyone knowing has left many people ... - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

iCOMICS | Daily Reviews
... It's the old Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde story—a meek, unassuming
person transforms into their alter ego, an extroverted nightmare. ... - 101k - Cached - Similar pages

Untitled Document
... Bernard was an unassuming person. In times of danger, distress or difficulty
he would remain calm and unruffled. His dedication, commitment ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

The Nobel Peace Prize 1965 - Presentation Speech

Note added at 2003-01-28 19:52:43 (GMT)

re the other answers:
\'He was an unassuming man of great wealth who lived frugally, keeping a low profile in business matters. People who met him often assumed he was a simpleton, simple-minded or even feeble physically. In fact, his self-effacing qualities coupled with his humble attitude about the intellectual endeavours of others was a smokescreen. When one got to know him, his most salient characteristic was being down to earth and funny. He liked nothing better than having Saturday night barbecues at his modest lakeside country place surrounded by guests of much simpler means. He usually met them in the course of his secret forays to check on the myriad businesses he owned throughout the four state area. They never discovered who he really was\"
:) :)
Peer comment(s):

neutral Gino Amaral : Please, spare us all the examples! BTW, how can you be so sure that Hermann's is the only correct answer? What if others have different point of views about what a "pessoa de modos simples" is?
8 mins
up to then, it was the only one; another way COULD BE unsophisticated; How do I know? Because it doesn't mean those things--without further context of course.
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1 hr


nor worldly-wise; lacking sophistication

Random House Dic.

Peer comment(s):

agree Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : yes, could be this too;
7 mins
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