Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

a administra probe

English translation:

produce evidence

Added to glossary by Mihaela Balta
Nov 9, 2004 12:40
20 yrs ago
48 viewers *
Romanian term

a administra probe

Romanian to English Bus/Financial Law (general)
in istanta

Proposed translations

13 hrs

produce evidence

Din pacate, nici 1)"bring evidence" si nici 2) "produce proofs" nu fac parte din registrul verbal juridic. Acestea sunt registre verbale din stiinta sau tehnica, referindu-se la un anumit proces de clarificare al unui caz/fenomen:
Evidence was brought that smoking causes cancer.
Scatterplots of RR and RT interval variability bring evidence for diverse non-linear dynamics of heart rate and ventricular repolarization .
If you have minor children residing outside of your home, please bring evidence.
The aim of the study was to find out whether the use of concepts and arguments from statics can help students understand and produce proofs of geometrical theorems.

"SCO has failed to produce any evidence that Linux is in violation of SCO IP or copyrights. Further, SCO has failed to produce evidence that IBM is in contract violation". De ce evidence si nu proofs?

Evidence este termenul superior-- ((law) ALL the means by which any alleged matter of fact whose truth is investigated at judicial trial is established or disproved), iar

Proof--any factual evidence that helps to establish the truth of something; "if you have any proof for what you say, now is the time to produce it.

Registrele verbale din diferite domenii se pot incurca foarte usor. De exemplu, folosirea lui "shall" este tabu intr-un text tehnic, chiar si atunci cand este vorba despew un contract. Este din pacate des de intalnit in contracte tehnice, dar absolut incorect.

Delivery terms shall be specified in annex. DAR
Machine installation should(never shall) be executed under specialist supervision.

Peer comment(s):

agree Roxana Badescu
4 hrs
agree Maria Diaconu
4 hrs
agree Marcella Magda
9 hrs
agree KirstyMacC (X) : also: lead or adduce evidence.
22 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "multumesc"
4 mins

to bring evidence on the file/before the court

Cred ca asa se zice !
Peer comment(s):

agree elenus : give/ bring/ produce evidence in the case (ei nu folosesc dosar, ci caz)/before the court/in court, etc.
22 mins
Mersi frumos pentru observatii!
agree Dan Ilioiu
2895 days
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5 mins

produce proofs

produce proofs in court
Peer comment(s):

agree Paula Marginean : vezi GDT
33 mins
agree Cristina Moldovan do Amaral
3 hrs
disagree Mihaela Nissen (X) : wrong language register. Produce proofs is used in science, mathematics and examination procedures. The legal register is " produce evidence"
12 hrs
neutral KirstyMacC (X) : produce or lodge proofs = submit records of debt i.e. invoices etc. in an insolvency.
1 day 11 hrs
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