Jul 27, 2012 13:06
12 yrs ago
Russian term

играть обиду

Russian to English Art/Literary Cinema, Film, TV, Drama Screenplay
Screen direction for father (B), after being told home truths by his daughter (A). "Take offence" is what comes to mind, but it doesn't seem right. He seems to be accepting some blame.

B. играет обиду, опускает глаза.

Proposed translations

23 mins

acts offended

I believe it is meant quite literally here
Note from asker:
Yes, this strikes the right tone!
Peer comment(s):

agree Dylan Edwards : acting ... / with a show of being ... Do you think 'hurt' would do, or does it have to be 'offended'?
5 mins
"hurt" is actually better. Thanks, Dylan!
agree Michael Korovkin : offended is ok. hurt is a different kettle of fish. One may be hurt but not offended and vice versa.
2 hrs
Thank you!
agree Tatiana Lammers : acting hurt
3 hrs
Thank you!
agree RitaZ
4 hrs
Thank you!
agree Leonid K.U.
7 hrs
Thank you!
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "So obvious when you know how!"
6 mins

To pretend to be offended

I think this is it.
Something went wrong...
5 mins

feigns offence


Note added at 42 mins (2012-07-27 13:49:45 GMT)

Just to clarify, to "feign offence" essentially means to "act offended." I am in total agreement with Angela, just prefer this construction.
Peer comment(s):

agree Michael Korovkin : more literary, classier than Angela's version... if class is indeed required in this case.
2 hrs
Thank you.
agree Mariusz Kuklinski
3 hrs
Thank you.
Something went wrong...
1 day 1 hr


She wants everyone around to know that she is hurt
Something went wrong...
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