This question was closed without grading. Reason: Errant question
Oct 11, 2013 18:39
11 yrs ago
Russian term
Властитель льда
Russian to English
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
"Властитель льда! Ты — не прав." This is quoted in personal correspondence, but I don't recognize it. Can anyone identify the source?
Proposed translations
4 | the Ice King | LilianNekipelov |
Proposed translations
56 mins
the Ice King
It may be from a cartoon, but I think there is a russian fairy tale that also has an Ice king -- I forgot which one.
Note added at 58 mins (2013-10-11 19:37:52 GMT)
Sorry Russian, and Ice King. (capital letters)
Note added at 58 mins (2013-10-11 19:37:52 GMT)
Sorry Russian, and Ice King. (capital letters)
Peer comment(s):
disagree |
Michael Kapitonoff
: What does your reference to an obscure American cartoon have to do with a Russian letter dating back to 1921?
30 mins
agree |
12 hrs
I suspect I need to post a new question.
имеет ли это какое-нибудь отношение к вашему случаю... :)