This question was closed without grading. Reason: Errant question
Oct 11, 2013 18:39
11 yrs ago
Russian term

Властитель льда

Russian to English Other Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
"Властитель льда! Ты — не прав." This is quoted in personal correspondence, but I don't recognize it. Can anyone identify the source?

Proposed translations (English)
4 the Ice King


Judith Hehir (asker) Oct 12, 2013:
Correction, I think: This text is difficult to decipher and I believe I misread it: Looking at it again, I suspect it is actually "Властитель мира! Ты - не прав."
I suspect I need to post a new question.
Judith Hehir (asker) Oct 12, 2013:
Thank you, Svetlana. That's interesting. The letter is written from one family member to another and the writer is making a personal objection — not so much on the theme of betrayal as on the theme of having been misunderstood, misjudged in a given situation. A very interesting thought.
svetlana cosquéric Oct 12, 2013:
Данте кажется у него в аду вмерзли в лёд грешники, предавшие родных, и среди них Властитель Ада Люцифер....
имеет ли это какое-нибудь отношение к вашему случаю... :)
Judith Hehir (asker) Oct 11, 2013:
Keep working on it, everybody. I am confident you'll find it! I agree with Mikhail. I suspect it's a quote from something that was quite familiar to the writer and recipient of the letter.
Alexandra Schneeuhr Oct 11, 2013:
"Властители льдов" Романова М. - исключено, ибо новодел, а письмо вполне себе антикварное...
SirReaL Oct 11, 2013:
You're right about quotation marks But this one does resemble a literary quote much more than it does an unusual use of a term.
Helen Hagon Oct 11, 2013:
Just a suggestion - could this simply be a reference to someone's ice skating prowess? If so, 'King', 'Lord', 'Master' etc would all be acceptable. Russians often use quotes to denote an unusual use of language, rather than a direct quotation from another source.
Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Oct 11, 2013:
Ruler of the Ice.
LanaUK Oct 11, 2013:
Источник возможно фэнтази "Властители льдов" Романова М.?
Judith Hehir (asker) Oct 11, 2013:
Ice master also possible Any ideas where it comes from, Mikhail? It is in quotes in the letter, as above.
SirReaL Oct 11, 2013:
Lord of the Ice / Ice Lord perhaps?
Alexandra Schneeuhr Oct 11, 2013:
Oh, it definitely makes all the difference... but I guess i'd translate it pretty much verbatim anyway (?)
Judith Hehir (asker) Oct 11, 2013:
Thank you, Alexandra. The only thing is that the letter was written in 1921, so I would think it's likely an allusion to something else.
Alexandra Schneeuhr Oct 11, 2013:
Sounds like a reference to a fantasy book / fantasy-inspired game. Something along the lines of ?

Proposed translations

56 mins

the Ice King

It may be from a cartoon, but I think there is a russian fairy tale that also has an Ice king -- I forgot which one.

Note added at 58 mins (2013-10-11 19:37:52 GMT)

Sorry Russian, and Ice King. (capital letters)

Peer comment(s):

disagree Michael Kapitonoff : What does your reference to an obscure American cartoon have to do with a Russian letter dating back to 1921?
30 mins
agree cyhul
12 hrs
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