Apr 2, 2010 21:16
14 yrs ago
Russian term
Слушание прошло значительно более гладко, чем мы ожидали
Russian to English
Law (general)
Не было никаких неожиданностей. Слушание прошло значительно более гладко, чем мы ожидали.
The hearing was [went] much more quiet [smooth???] than we expected.
The hearing was [went] much more quiet [smooth???] than we expected.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
4 mins
The hearing went much more smoothly than we expected
Strictly speaking, "than we had expected" would be more correct, but either is OK and "than we expected" is probably more common.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thank you, Jack!"
5 mins
The hearing went much more smoothly than we expected
7 mins
The hearing ran significantly more smoothly than we had anticipated
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Aleksey Chervinskiy
25 mins
Thanks, Aleksey.
agree |
Victor Zagria
: ... MORE smoothly ... HAD anticipated\\far more smoothly-in that i guess more smoothly sounds more scientific/legalese than 'smoother', HAD ... stresses that 1 action is prior to the other..сугубо имхо..
16 hrs
Thanks, Victor. More smoothly is understated, as it omits значительно, don't you think?
1 hr
the hearing went much smoother than we could expect
Something went wrong...