Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:

принял дежурство (запись в журнале)

English translation:

Start shift (duty register entry)

Added to glossary by Clive Wilshin
Jul 1, 2002 11:34
22 yrs ago
Russian term

ïðèíÿë äåæóðñòâî

Non-PRO Russian to English Other
сержант Сергей Лучкин из 16-го полка Управления вневедомственной охраны как раз заполнял журнал. Он успел написать 'принял дежурство", когда в зал зашли трое бандитов славянской наружности

what is the english equivalent here? 'Report for duty' perhaps? журнал I suppose is log-book or duty register

Proposed translations

10 mins

duty register

This is exectly the duty register.
Something went wrong...
1 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for confirming the sense of zhurnal. I can't accept any of the suggestions for ïðèíÿë äåæóðñòâî, because they do not take account of context. What would an English speaking duty officer write in a duty register? I don't know, but I think something like 'Start shift' may be right. Assuredly he wouldn't use the past tense in such a context. It's not a diary entry..."
10 mins

came on watch

This would be the US military term assuming here that he's part of a 24-hour security force, as it appears
Peer comment(s):

agree Jack Doughty
5 mins
Thanks, Jack (and Pashuk). "Assumed the watch" will also work if one is the chief of the watch.
agree Oleg Pashuk (X)
2 hrs
agree myrafla
4 hrs
agree AYP
14 hrs
agree Vanda
19 hrs
agree Сергей Лузан
1 day 47 mins
Something went wrong...
19 hrs

take over the watch

Peer comment(s):

agree Milana_R
1 day 35 mins
Something went wrong...
Comment: "You haven't looked at the context, viz. a log-book entry"
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