Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

saldo por ejecutar

English translation:

balance due/balance to be paid

Added to glossary by Robert Forstag
Aug 9, 2007 03:07
17 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Spanish term

saldo por ejecutar

Spanish to English Social Sciences Accounting Accounting Audit // Colombia
Cuentas por Pagar al XYZ, se registra en este rubro el saldo por ejecutar, del valor asignador por el XYZ.


Bubo Coroman (X) Aug 9, 2007:
could you please post more context Robert as the first mention of XYZ indicates money is owed TO it, but the second one seems to indicate money owed BY it. Also, can you give a clue as to the meaning of "asignador" in your context? Thanks.

Proposed translations

12 hrs

balance due/balance owing

Short simple and concise...and precisely how we would say it in plain English

Note added at 2 days6 hrs (2007-08-11 09:20:14 GMT)

first option for money that has to be received
second option for money that has to be paid out
Asker needs to check which is appropriate - Deborah Lockett's comment here is important
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to all!"
9 mins

balance owed obligated to be paid

Marina Orellana. Glosario internacional del traductor.

Mike :)
Peer comment(s):

disagree AllegroTrans : much too clumsy an expression
12 hrs
Something went wrong...
10 hrs

pending balance

that's how I've always seen it
Something went wrong...
13 hrs

outstanding balance

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