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Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

un cuentacuentos

English translation:

a storyteller

Added to glossary by Andrea Bullrich
Jan 12, 2002 07:23
22 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Spanish term

un cuentacuentos

Spanish to English Art/Literary

Proposed translations

7 mins

a storyteller


Hope this helps (and fits your context),

own experience

Peer comment(s):

agree tazdog (X) : :-)
13 mins
Hey, thanks! :-)
agree Paul Stevens
1 hr
thanks, Paul :-)
agree Nikki Graham : a person who tells stories; a person who tells anecdotes; a writer of stories (New Shorter Oxford)
2 hrs
agree Parrot
4 hrs
agree Patricia Lutteral
4 hrs
Tres agrees de lujo! (y no me refiero al Oxford!) :-)
agree BelkisDV
7 hrs
Gracias, Belkis :-)
agree Marisa Pavan
9 hrs
agree Rick Henry : yes... Nikki's desription fits best. The storyteller's stories maynot be true, but are usually entertaining/educational. Remember Sofia on "The Golden Girls"?
10 hrs
agree mgonzalez (X)
12 hrs
agree Nora Escoms
14 hrs
agree Rossana Triaca
15 hrs
gracias a todos :-)
agree Aurora Humarán (X) : Quién mejor que Alicia para hablar del tema...
2 days 7 hrs
son todos cuentos ;-)
agree Judith Facio
6 days
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement. KudoZ."
15 mins

fairy tales teller

I think that "storyteller" means "narrador", "escritor". The "cuentacuentos" is the person who tells fairy tales.
Good luck.

2. Mallya: Participation and Sustainability
... in the village by being a traditional medicineman, rituals leader, and a known fairy
tales teller. The use of the notables in such projects need to be looked ...

3. why do we pay for omantel??? - Oman Forum
... all members.. they say from their deeds u know them. so go and check my posts and
u will know im no fairy tales teller. as i see it my arguement came to an end ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Gabriela Tenenbaum (X) : yes, I think you're right. "narrador" is not the same as "cuentacuentos" (if it's done orally, of course). However (to asker) be careful with "taleteller", that means sth.completely different!. #:))
5 hrs
neutral Margaret Schroeder : This expression would never be used in English; anyway it would be "fairy tale teller" (no "s"). The citations are obviously from non-native writers.
8 hrs
agree Lia Fail (X) : storyteller, not fairy tale teller
10 hrs
disagree Judith Facio : a 'cuentacuentos' does not necessarily tell fairy tales.
6 days
Something went wrong...
9 hrs

a storyteller

I hope this helps.
Something went wrong...
13 hrs


: a person who excels in telling anecdotes .
Main Entry: ra·con·teur
Pronunciation: "ra-"kän-'t&r, -k&n-
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Middle French, from raconter to tell, from Old French, from re- + aconter, acompter to tell, count -- more at ACCOUNT
Date: 1828
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