Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

que supera la escala temporal humana

English translation:

beyond the human time scale

Added to glossary by David Russi
Sep 25, 2007 17:45
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Spanish term

que supera la escala temporal humana

Spanish to English Science Botany
Referring to reefs created by the vermetid Dendropoma petraeum:

Todo esto, unido a lo limitado de su área de distribución, a su fragilidad (se ven muy afectadas por la contaminación marina superficial y por las obras costeras) y al ****crecimiento lento de las estructuras a que dan lugar, que supera la escala temporal humana,**** ha determinado que el vermétido Dendropoma petraeum esté incluido en el Anexo II del Convenio de Barcelona y en el Catálogo Nacional de Especies Amenazadas con la categoría de “vulnerable”.

I don't understand the deeper meaning or this comment about the slow growth of the reefs "que supera la escala temporal humana"...

As I write I'm beginning to feel that I'm getting the idea, but I want to confirm this with opinions from others about how this shoudl be interpreted.

Change log

Oct 9, 2007 04:07: David Russi Created KOG entry


Lia Fail (X) (asker) Sep 25, 2007:
Comments: still confused:-) I checked out Alvaro's link but it didn't really clarify things, the assessed Jac's suggestion which is a possibility, whereas meanwhile my own idea is that the idea is that these reefs endure at least as long as a human, that is, around 80 to 100 years (take that long to regenerate). The reason I feel these reefs can't actually last 000s of years is that they are on the shore in the intertidal zone ....erosion would wear them away (wouldn't it? ) Anyway, I'll see if the client can help as I'm just as confused as ever. BUT thansk to all for suggestions, and the range of opinion just indicates that maybe the ES is dubious:-)
moken Sep 25, 2007:
refers to how long it would actually take to regenerate them. Perhaps the link will give you ideas as to the final English wording. Hope so. ;O) ;O)
moken Sep 25, 2007:
Hi Lia. Check this out:
Go to "Medidas de conservación específicas".
You'll find that your text has indirectly quoted this paper and it...
Lydia De Jorge Sep 25, 2007:
I think it means that it is much more than has been measured or scaled by humans..

Proposed translations

11 mins

beyond the human time scale

beyond the human time scale
Peer comment(s):

agree Patricia Rosas
11 mins
agree Salloz
5 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
9 mins

that surpass the temporary human scale/measure

Peer comment(s):

agree Beatriz Galiano (X)
10 days
gracias Beatriz!
Something went wrong...
9 mins

which goes beyond the human temporal scale

pero sí, es un poco abstrato... quizá "which goes beyond a human time scale" o "which goes beyond a human concept of time"... Good luck.

Note added at 13 mins (2007-09-25 17:58:16 GMT)

Lydia's 'surpass' sounds great- maybe better than 'go beyond'? but you would ned to use the word 'temporal' (to do with time) not 'temporary' (not permanent) I think. Feel free to correct me!

Note added at 16 mins (2007-09-25 18:01:19 GMT)

sí Lia, por eso creo que podrías decir eso de ´beyond a human concept of time´y no sería incorrecto...creo!
Peer comment(s):

agree John Speese : Sounds good to me, and "surpass" and "time" scale also work.
1 hr
thank you for taking the time to give your opinion John!
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2 hrs

"..which pre-dates the span of human life (on the planet)

i.e the geological reef formations started to form in the pre human era,when dinosaurs bestrode the earth,when helium gases were too great to support human life,etc,etc.
Peer comment(s):

agree Bubo Coroman (X) : yes, or which predates the emergence of homo sapiens
41 mins
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