Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

recorrido transectorial

English translation:

transect walk

Added to glossary by James A. Walsh
Dec 2, 2009 13:19
15 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term

recorrido transectorial

Spanish to English Tech/Engineering International Org/Dev/Coop Disaster preparedness and sustainable development
El recorrido transectorial consiste en una caminata a través de la comunidad para observar los alrededores, las personas, el uso de la tierra y los recursos existentes.

This is from a training document on disaster preparedness and sustainable development. This section in particular comes from a table describing Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment tools and processes.
I have been discussing this document with a Risk Assessment Engineer in the family, and his notes on this term were as follows:

">Review across sectors of community
>Trans-sectorial community review

I think this is just taking a first look at all community sectors/stakeholders."

Nevertheless, I am having trouble finding an official term within the context of VCA (Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment)
I would appreciate some more expert input from your good selves. Thanks in advance for you help!
Change log

Dec 15, 2009 11:27: James A. Walsh changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/677284">Kate Major Patience's</a> old entry - "recorrido transectorial"" to ""transect walk""


Kate Major Patience (asker) Dec 2, 2009:
Happy ending then! :)
Kate Major Patience (asker) Dec 2, 2009:
For future reference for other translators looking at this term or working on preparedness planning, risk assessment, disaster response etc. in similar contexts, the term "transect walks" appears on page 20 of the document (p 22 of the pdf) found in the link below.
James A. Walsh Dec 2, 2009:
Hooray! And thanks for the link too - very useful, as I work loads in this area, but hadn't come across this before. Cheers :))
Kate Major Patience (asker) Dec 2, 2009:
*** for "city" read "community".
Kate Major Patience (asker) Dec 2, 2009:
Thanks everyone! Thanks for your help everyone! This term was giving me problems. Muriel: you're right. It's not about sectors in that sense; rather, as my Risk Assessment expert had commented, about getting a general overview of the city. As it turns out, this and a great deal of the other tools are based on Red Cross/Red Crescent VCA tools as per this document:
Thanks to James's insight into this term in particular, I have also managed to resolve a whole bunch of other terms too. I hope that all of this proves useful to future searches. Thanks everybody for your input and intelligent suggestions for solutions.
Muriel Vasconcellos (X) Dec 2, 2009:
I agreed with Bob Forstag Sorry, Kate. I didn't post an explanation because I had already commented on Bob's answer. I don't think this is about sectors of the economy; it's about parts of the city.
James A. Walsh Dec 2, 2009:
Sectoral To me, 'sectoral' implies business or industrial sectors... not sectors of the community.
Kate Major Patience (asker) Dec 2, 2009:
More context. Here's some more useful information I have found in the text describing the process:
El recorrido transectorial consiste en una caminata a través de la comunidad para observar los alrededores, las personas, el uso de la tierra y los recursos existentes.
Se puede determinar la ruta del recorrido trazando en el mapa de la comunidad una línea que atraviese o divida en sectores todas las áreas de tal suerte que se obtenga una visión representativa de la comunidad.
Kate Major Patience (asker) Dec 2, 2009:
Muriel What do you mean "don't think that's what the text is really talking about"? I'm just curious because if you're interested in giving help, I'm interested in your opinion! :)
Muriel Vasconcellos (X) Dec 2, 2009:
Spelling of 'sectoral' Note that the word is 'sectoral' in English - though I don't think that's what the text is really talking about.

Proposed translations

43 mins

transect walk

This may be the term you are looking for. I've translated this in the past for the term "paseo transectorial".

Hope this helps. :)

Note added at 1 hr (2009-12-02 14:53:56 GMT)

Glad to be of help Kate - Cheers :))
Note from asker:
That absolutely is it! I'd found "walks" in some documents related to African development projects, but not the full term (can't even remember how they put it now), but in relation to VCA this is getting plenty of hits in contexts similar to mine. In fact, the text I'm translating refers a great deal to the Red Cross and Red Crescent texts which many of these tools are based on, which come up in hits for transect walks, so I reckon that is just about spot on James! I was beginning to wonder if I could possibly find the official term! Thank you. :)
Peer comment(s):

agree Rod Brookes : Agreed. This seems to me to fit perfectly.
39 mins
Thanks Rod.
agree Robert Forstag : Odd though it sounds (at least to my ear), this does seem to be the official term. // Exactly. So often it is that way: the consecrated (i.e, "right") term may be something that would be rejected in general terms as awkward, non-standard, or just wrong.
1 hr
Thanks Robert. Sounds odd to me too; too rudimentary somehow... well, there you go.
agree Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
16 hrs
Thanks Muriel.
agree Fiona Hale : Also agree that this is a standard term.
19 hrs
Thank you Fiona.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "A most successful kudos query! Thanks everyone. :)"
6 mins

Cross-Sectional Community Overview

Nothing official by any means, just an off-the-cuff thought by a bleary-eyed translator who has just gotten out of bed and hasn't even had his first cup of coffee yet....
Peer comment(s):

agree Muriel Vasconcellos (X) : I don't really thing it has to do with sectors!
18 mins
I don't either; I think it merely refers to the "different areas/neighborhoods" of the community. Thank you, Muriel.
Something went wrong...
7 mins

Trans-sectorial community inspection (assessment)

Creo que es satisfactoria de acuerdo con el texto.

Note added at 43 mins (2009-12-02 14:03:36 GMT)

Transectorial means through all (relevant, important to the assessment purpose) sectors of the comunity. It does not mean a cross section path or any definite line path.
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