Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

parte demandante y parte demandada

English translation:

claimant and defendant

Added to glossary by Martin Boyd
Sep 13, 2007 15:51
17 yrs ago
99 viewers *
Spanish term

parte demandante y parte demandada

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general)
Es para el Reino Unido

Change log

Sep 18, 2007 14:28: Martin Boyd Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

7 mins

claimant and defendant

Although "parte" could be translated as "party", I don't think it's necessary to include it in this case.

Note added at 8 mins (2007-09-13 15:59:56 GMT)

Please note that according to wikipedia, "claimant" has replaced "plaintiff" in legal usage in the United Kingdom (see wikipedia reference above).
Note from asker:
Gracias Martin
Peer comment(s):

agree Frances Lake
1 min
Thank you, Frances
agree Wordwatcher
6 mins
Thanks, Wordwatcher
agree canaria
8 mins
Thank you, Canaria
agree Rebecca Jowers : "Claimant" did indeed replace "plaintiff" in England and Wales with the (relatively) new Civil Procedure Rules that came into force in 1999
3 hrs
Thanks, Rebecca
agree AllegroTrans : Yes, it was so that the ignorant masses would have a chance of understanding the law; they also did away with "writs" and "summonses" (heaven knows why)
3 days 3 hrs
Thanks, AllegroTrans!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias"
13 mins

plaintiff and defendant

parte demandante - plaintiff, petitioner, claimant
parte demandada - defendant, respondent

Diccionario de terminología jurídica Becerra

plaintiff - brings a civil suit vs defendant - sued in a civil action
petitioner - presents a petition to a court or other official body, esp. when seeking relief on appeal vs. respondent - the party against whom an appeal is taken
claimant - One who asserts a right or demand, esp. formally; esp. one who asserts a property interest inland, chattels or tangible things.

Black's Law Dictionary

Depends on your context.

Note from asker:
Muchísimas gracias por la explicación, Lorena. Es muy útil. Graicas
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2 mins

plaintiff and defendant


Note added at 3 mins (2007-09-13 15:54:49 GMT)

Smith v Hughes, UK Law Online- [ Traduzca esta página ]... anything passed at the interview between the plaintiff and defendant’s manager on ..... Go back to UK Law Online home page. Last Updated 18 September 1998. - 40k - En caché - Páginas similares

Note added at 3 hrs (2007-09-13 19:13:28 GMT)

please note that although Claimant has officially replaced Plaintiff, it is only in England and Wales and not the UK, and it is still less commonly used...
Note from asker:
Gracias a todos/as
Peer comment(s):

agree Salloz
2 mins
thank you!
agree Gabriela Rodriguez : :)
3 mins
thank you Gaby! :-)
agree Henry Hinds
4 mins
thank you Henry!
agree Frances Lake
6 mins
thank you Frances
agree MikeGarcia
13 mins
thank you Miguel! :-)
agree JPMedicalTrans
27 mins
thank you Alex :-)
agree Katarina Peters
53 mins
thank you Katarina!
agree Mariela Herbes
2 hrs
thank you Mariela
agree Marga Dorao
2 hrs
thank you Marga!
agree Robert Copeland
3 hrs
thank you Robert!
agree AllegroTrans : Perfectly understandable UK English, but "claimant" has now repalaced "plaintiff" in England & Wales
3 days 3 hrs
thank you!
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