Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
paises beneficiados
English translation:
countries having the availability/benefit [of a financial accounting system]
Added to glossary by
Brenda Joseph
May 7, 2008 19:38
16 yrs ago
10 viewers *
Spanish term
paises beneficiados
Spanish to English
Law (general)
países beneficiados por un sistema de contabilización (financiero)
Proposed translations
2 hrs
countries having the availability/benefit [of a financial accounting system]
Creo que es una mera forma de expresión para decir que "disponen de".
Peer comment(s):
agree |
: yes, in fact, I think it could be even shorter, "countries having a financial accounting system"
1 hr
Yes, of course. Thanks and regards.
agree |
: countries with a financial accouting system
2 hrs
Yes, much more natural. Tks for the input and regards.
agree |
jacana54 (X)
: con Allegro// jaja, saludos
4 hrs
Totalmente de acuerdo. Simplemente traté de reflejar el convoluted drafting sin irme del sentido.....Saludos.
agree |
Miguel Garcia Lopez
11 hrs
Gracias Miguel!
agree |
20 hrs
Tku!! Saludos.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thank you!"
6 mins
countries availing themselves
Countries availing themselves of the TIM should be encouraged to participate in the General Data Dissemination Standards, while the Fund ...
n other words, in the case of developing countries availing themselves of the transition, they will not be subject to the rigours of a complaint seeking ...
n other words, in the case of developing countries availing themselves of the transition, they will not be subject to the rigours of a complaint seeking ...
27 mins
1 hr
countries benefiting from.../ who stand to gain from
Going with the syntax of the source phrase...