Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

paises beneficiados

English translation:

countries having the availability/benefit [of a financial accounting system]

Added to glossary by Brenda Joseph
May 7, 2008 19:38
16 yrs ago
10 viewers *
Spanish term

paises beneficiados

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general)
países beneficiados por un sistema de contabilización (financiero)


Patricia Rosas May 7, 2008:
Could you give us more context? Is your text about (as erki seems to think) less developed countries receiving assistance in setting up their accounting systems or countries that already have such systems? Thx!

Proposed translations

2 hrs

countries having the availability/benefit [of a financial accounting system]

Creo que es una mera forma de expresión para decir que "disponen de".
Peer comment(s):

agree Tom2004 : yes, in fact, I think it could be even shorter, "countries having a financial accounting system"
1 hr
Yes, of course. Thanks and regards.
agree AllegroTrans : countries with a financial accouting system
2 hrs
Yes, much more natural. Tks for the input and regards.
agree jacana54 (X) : con Allegro// jaja, saludos
4 hrs
Totalmente de acuerdo. Simplemente traté de reflejar el convoluted drafting sin irme del sentido.....Saludos.
agree Miguel Garcia Lopez
11 hrs
Gracias Miguel!
agree Egmont
20 hrs
Tku!! Saludos.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
6 mins

countries availing themselves

Countries availing themselves of the TIM should be encouraged to participate in the General Data Dissemination Standards, while the Fund ...

n other words, in the case of developing countries availing themselves of the transition, they will not be subject to the rigours of a complaint seeking ...
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27 mins

priority/beneficiary countries

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1 hr

countries benefiting from.../ who stand to gain from

Going with the syntax of the source phrase...
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