Jan 26, 2001 10:51
24 yrs ago
9 viewers *
Spanish term

Proposed translations

15 mins


the correct spanish term is "equipaje" or "equipo". Equipamiento does not exist as far as I know.

The verb to use is "equipar".
Hope it helps! Good Luck!
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18 mins

features (equipped with...)

I often see this term to mean "equipment", e.g. computers (must be from English), but in the context of cars we usually refer to features, e.g. "equipped with 4-wheel drive". So you might need to phrase it along those lines.

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19 mins

automotive equipment

Here are a couple of examples (out of over 5,000):

Automotive Equipment Lifts Hoist Air Compressors Alignment ...
... Gabbert has been selling and servicing automotive equipment for over 50 years. Gabbert
Equipment, Inc., is a master distributor on their lines and a factory ...
Description: Automotive shop equipment at wholesale distributor cost.
Category: Business > Industries > ... > Machinery and Tools > Vehicle Repair and Maintenance www.tirechanger.com/ - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

Automotive Equipment City, Inc. - we sell new used and ...
... Welcome to the Automotive Equipment City, Inc. homepage. Automotive Equipment City, Inc. is a family owned and operated business representing three generations ...
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20 mins

optional extras

Of course it's also equipment in other contexts, but in the car industry 'un carro equipado' as opposed to an 'austero' is one that comes with the extras, and if you have to pay for them, then they're optional.
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32 mins

equipamiento = optional features

Obviously you are reviewing a machine translation for Audi, one of those made in Indonesia. I did have a similar experience with the MB900 engine, from Mercedes Benz. They send this to Indonesia, where they translate it in bulk, by machine I am sure. At least I was told this story by someone who was in "intern" ad MB. Good Luck. By the way, Spanish is my native language and I have no way to check the spelling here. So forgive any mistake in the explanation.

my own experience.

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37 mins

equipment, (available) accessories, additional equipment and supplies

Here they might mean two things:

proper EQUIPMENT which may mean eg, screw keys, air-pump, etc.

BUT if they are saying about it as about something additional (optinal, or say which can be purchased for additional money), then the term
accessories might be used.

FINALLY, if by this term they mean the p r o c e s s of "wearing" additional things ( e.g., ABS or all those "whistles-doodles" eg, leather cover for seats, air-conditioner, air-bag, additional air-bags (for dogs:), etc.) then you might refer to this as to


Hope in having been helpful:)

Sincerely yours,
Dr. Tagir S. Tagirov
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Gabriela Torres Gregory
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3 hrs


a car featuring/EQUIPPED WITH:
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