Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Janine Libbey
Mar 28, 2008 19:57
16 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Tech/Engineering Petroleum Eng/Sci Gas Company report on Steel and Iron plant
I have found this term with a similar sense here:

But is that correct and accurate?

Two examples of context:

• "...Compañía Siderúrgica XX concentra el 99% de sus despachos en el mercado nacional y sólo un 0,1% al mercado externo."

• "...El total de despachos de la Compañía Siderúrgica XX aumentó en 54 mil TM (+5,1%) en el año 2006 con respecto al 2005. Este mayor volumen se compone de un incremento en los despachos en el mercado interno de 82 mil TM (+8,0%) y una disminución de 28 mil TM (-80,0%) en las entregas al mercado externo."

Any suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance!
Change log

Apr 11, 2008 14:18: Janine Libbey Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

21 mins


Diccionario de la lengua española © 2005 Espasa-Calpe S.A., Madrid:

Venta de un producto:
el próximo domingo no habrá despacho de pan
Peer comment(s):

agree Cesar Serrano
1 min
Gracias, Cesar.
agree Terry Burgess : Hi 'J'! Quicker than the aye:-))
3 mins
Por los pelos! Thanks.
agree Sinead --
13 hrs
Thank you, Sinead.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
16 mins

suministración / dispatch

This is similar in its sense, but not as "generation order". Dispatch in English is Despachar according to the RAE and other sources.

Despachar - suministrar en el sentido de "permitir a ser utilizado o dejar estar utilizado algo en cantidad.

I hope this helps clear up the doubts!
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24 mins

order [como en "pedido"]

orders/deliveries/sales...something along those lines.
I believe the previous ProZ term has nothing to do with your case.
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30 mins


delivery, or many deliveries, are package of such product they send out to the clients
Example sentence:

All deliveries are with UPS

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41 mins

Product sales, shipment

I would translate it as 'product sales', or 'shipping'
For the wordreference link, look at the 4th given meaning: Venta de un producto:
el próximo domingo no habrá despacho de pan.

With a search for 'despachar' the 5th meaning is: Vender en un comercio: despachamos queso. The 3rd meaning gives: Enviar, hacer llegar: despachar un paquete con destino a Barcelona. That would give 'to send' or 'to ship'. To ship is used widely when large orders are sent by transport companies, like "we expect the next shipment on Thursday". A company that does shipments is called 'shipper'.
Peer comment(s):

agree Joseph Tein : Since 'despachar' can relate to either 'vender' or 'enviar' I like this comprehensive answer best; I favor 'shipment' (or deliveries) in this case because the second example sentence above alternates 'despachar' with 'entregar'
3 hrs
agree Sp-EnTranslator : I concur w/ both U and Joseph
1 day 54 mins
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