Apr 18, 2013 21:02
11 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Spanish term

"dar de alta

Spanish to English Tech/Engineering Telecom(munications) telefonia
El usuario tiene acceso a todos los servicios del plan comercial cuando se dio de alta como cliente
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 activate
4 sign up


Peter Clews Apr 25, 2013:
Register I also think that "register" is more appropriate. The opposite of "dar de alta" is "dar de baja", which means closing down the account. A temporary suspension of the account for lack of payment, such as Jorge suggests, does not imply cancelling the account, so it's not "dar de baja", so reactivating the account is not "dar de alta". Jorge's examples of "activate" refer to activating devices or services (SIM cards, cell phones, roaming, etc), which would normally imply that you have already registered (signed a contract, etc).
Jorge Merino Apr 21, 2013:
In a typical telecom system, providing service to a new customer takes two steps:
1. Registering the customer information in the system (actually in the billing system and the network). The customer record usually contains a lot of parameters, such as commercial data (name, address, account profile, etc.) and services data (services and features to be provided).
2. Once the customer record is created at both the billing and the network sides, the customer (or service) is activated, i.e. now the customer can start making and receiving calls, messages, etc.
If for some reason the customer does not pay for the services, the service is deactivated, but the record is still stored (registered) in the systems in case the customer returns, pays the debts and continues using the services. Hence, the meaning of "dar de alta" in the context of the question is "activate", (i.e. step 2 above), rather than "register" (step 1).
Billh Apr 20, 2013:
register as ..... .
Kerry Taylor Apr 19, 2013:
I agree. As it says "como cliente" I think "register" is more appropriate here.
James A. Walsh Apr 18, 2013:
@Jorge I don't wish to discuss this; I merely asked the asker if they had used this resource before posting the question (because it's been asked many, many times before).
Incidentally, the category is "Telecom(munications) / Telephony", so based on that and the snippet of context provided, I would also think that "register" is more suitable here.
Jorge Merino Apr 18, 2013:
@James, @David
Entries in Kudoz Glossary are mostly related to computer systems, finance, etc., not specific to telecom...
"Activate" is the adequate term in this context.
David Hollywood Apr 18, 2013:
I would say "register" and several entries already in the glossary as James points out

Proposed translations

10 mins


That is the term I know in Telecom domain.


Note added at 1 hr (2013-04-18 22:50:47 GMT)

See some references:

How to activate roaming service for VIVA customers? | VIVA Bahrain
www.viva.com.bh/.../how-activate-ro... - Traducir esta páginaCompartir
Roaming service is available by default for all postpaid and prepaid customer. No special configuration or deposit is required for activating roaming service for ...

Activate Online - Unlimited Wireless Service - MetroPCS
www.metropcs.com/... - Estados Unidos - Traducir esta página
New customers. Start here if you're a new customer and want to activate one or more phones. ACTIVATE ONE PHONE ACTIVATE MULTIPLE PHONES. Existing ...

Activating Your Sprint Device - AmazonWireless
wireless.amazon.com/help/200334710 - Traducir esta página
Ir a New Customers‎: Before you begin, follow the instructions in the owner's manual to charge your phone's battery. Turn on your new phone.

Ufone GSM : New SIM Activation
www.ufone.com/cm_newSimActivati... - Traducir esta página
Activation of SIM: The Customer shall insert the SIM in the terminal equipment, call 789 for activation giving name & CNIC and answer the questions aimed at ...

AP GSM Mobile Prepaid Facilities Activation & Verification Keys ...
www.bsnlteleservices.com/.../gs... - India - Traducir esta páginaCompartir
BSNL AndhraPradesh(AP) Telecom circle provides GSM Mobile Prepaid facilities regarding Activation and Verification key methods to mobile customers of 2G
Peer comment(s):

agree Jorge Payan
4 hrs
Muchas gracias Jorge
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6 hrs

sign up

In the specific sentence:
signed up as a client

FURTHER CONTEXT would be helpful (e.g., what KIND of telecom services).

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Customers frequently make changes to their telecom services, such as increasing ..... When Dealer Co gets an end user to sign up for a two-year service contract ...

Choosing a New Telecommunications Plan|How to Sign Up for ...
Choosing a New Telecommunications Plan | How to Sign Up for Services ... Read an experience from a conference call user on blog site, Good Old Telephone ...
[American International Telephonics, CA]
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