Jul 12, 2004 19:21
20 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Spanish term
estrato (del predio)
Spanish to English
Seems to be a usage very specific to Colombia. As I look at at various references on the www, it seems to refer to some kind of zoning - in any case every piece of property, apparently, is supposed to have one, and there are bureaucratic procedure for changing it. Example:
Cambio de estrato:
Modificación de estrato del predio, cuando éste no corresponde con el registrado en la factura; El cambio entra en vigencia en el momento de la solicitud.
Cambio de estrato:
Modificación de estrato del predio, cuando éste no corresponde con el registrado en la factura; El cambio entra en vigencia en el momento de la solicitud.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
2 hrs
Property status
In case you´re refering to a property. The term is meant to describe what use the property will be put to for example: 1. a holiday home which is a property that will not be your main address or place of residence; 2. main residence this would be your the normal place of residence; 3. second home this would be an alternative to your main residence
Note added at 2 hrs 32 mins (2004-07-12 21:53:24 GMT)
Also: property zoning: Getting the zoning changed on property is a very difficult process....Typical zonings categories include:
There are sub-categories for single family (i.e., residences) and multiple family (e.g., apartments or condominiums) residential use.
Note added at 2 hrs 32 mins (2004-07-12 21:53:24 GMT)
Also: property zoning: Getting the zoning changed on property is a very difficult process....Typical zonings categories include:
There are sub-categories for single family (i.e., residences) and multiple family (e.g., apartments or condominiums) residential use.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks!"
8 mins
Just another option
12 mins
(geological) layers (of the premises, ground)
Each premise has different geological layers of land
En el Diccionario de uso de María Moliner, una acepción de "estrato" es "capa" en el sentido geológico. Así que, "capa" es "layer" en inglés, y "predio"puede ser terreno, etc.
Mike :)
En el Diccionario de uso de María Moliner, una acepción de "estrato" es "capa" en el sentido geológico. Así que, "capa" es "layer" en inglés, y "predio"puede ser terreno, etc.
Mike :)
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Patricia Fierro, M. Sc.
: It seems that the zoning can be changed, so probably it isn't layers.
9 mins
5 mins
Note added at 25 mins (2004-07-12 19:47:01 GMT)
La PEE de estratos 1 y 2 representa el 46,2% del total de PEE del Distrito. Alrededor del 80% de esta población, se concentra en las localidades de Ciudad Bolívar (22,1%), San Cristóbal (14,9%), Bosa (13,1%), Kennedy (12,2%), Usme (10,0%) y Suba (8,3%).
El estrato tres concentra el 41,2% de la PEE, mientras los estratos 4, 5 y 6 concentran el 12,1% de la PEE del Distrito. (Ver Cuadro 1)Cuadro 1. Población en Edad Escolar en Bogotá
Note added at 25 mins (2004-07-12 19:47:01 GMT)
La PEE de estratos 1 y 2 representa el 46,2% del total de PEE del Distrito. Alrededor del 80% de esta población, se concentra en las localidades de Ciudad Bolívar (22,1%), San Cristóbal (14,9%), Bosa (13,1%), Kennedy (12,2%), Usme (10,0%) y Suba (8,3%).
El estrato tres concentra el 41,2% de la PEE, mientras los estratos 4, 5 y 6 concentran el 12,1% de la PEE del Distrito. (Ver Cuadro 1)Cuadro 1. Población en Edad Escolar en Bogotá
Peer comment(s):
agree |
: yes, i think you are on the right track. stratum, in the sense of a "division" or "zone" as you suggest
31 mins
35 mins
lot / property rating
I am not Colombian, but I was looking up at some of these pages too and they seem to have a pretty defined rating system of "estratos", apparently based on income, density of residents, etc. "Predio" seems to refers to properties or lots.
See below:
La estratificación económica de la zona presenta una gama inusualmente variada que va desde el estrato dos para el barrio Guicaní al norte del predio, pasa por el estrato tres para la Urbanización Nueva Zelandia al oriente, por el estrato cuatro para la urbanización Villa del prado al sur y finalmente el estrato cinco en la parcelación San José de Bavaria.
Lacking a specific term for this, I´d venture the vague "rating". I think it gives the idea: Property rating
Good luck!
I am not Colombian, but I was looking up at some of these pages too and they seem to have a pretty defined rating system of "estratos", apparently based on income, density of residents, etc. "Predio" seems to refers to properties or lots.
See below:
La estratificación económica de la zona presenta una gama inusualmente variada que va desde el estrato dos para el barrio Guicaní al norte del predio, pasa por el estrato tres para la Urbanización Nueva Zelandia al oriente, por el estrato cuatro para la urbanización Villa del prado al sur y finalmente el estrato cinco en la parcelación San José de Bavaria.
Lacking a specific term for this, I´d venture the vague "rating". I think it gives the idea: Property rating
Good luck!
6 hrs
More than a zoning, this term here in Colombia refers to various features, neightborhood, city location, etc.
This estrato also counts for services quotes, tax, etc.
This estrato also counts for services quotes, tax, etc.
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