Replace "neutral" with "comment"
Thread poster: Kevin Pfeiffer (X)
Kevin Pfeiffer (X)
Kevin Pfeiffer (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:30
German to English
+ ...
Jul 21, 2004


I would say that many if not most neutral opinions concerning a translation are in fact not intended as an opinion of the translation but rather as a comment.

The problem I've experienced is that if I offer a comment under the label "neutral" that this is seen as a judgment on it ("If you liked my translation then why no 'agree'?") rather than simply a neutral opinion (or comment).

My suggestion would be to replace "neutral" with "comment". It serves
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I would say that many if not most neutral opinions concerning a translation are in fact not intended as an opinion of the translation but rather as a comment.

The problem I've experienced is that if I offer a comment under the label "neutral" that this is seen as a judgment on it ("If you liked my translation then why no 'agree'?") rather than simply a neutral opinion (or comment).

My suggestion would be to replace "neutral" with "comment". It serves the same purpose, but leaves less room for misunderstanding (IMO).

Stefan Keller
Stefan Keller  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:30
English to German
I entirely agree Jul 21, 2004


jamse (X)
jamse (X)
Local time: 09:30
German to Russian
+ ...
Good suggestion Jul 21, 2004


Local time: 09:30
English to Polish
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that's a good point Jul 21, 2004

I agree

Cilian O'Tuama
Cilian O'Tuama  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:30
German to English
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That could be misleading IMO Jul 21, 2004

Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:

My suggestion would be to replace "neutral" with "comment". (IMO).

Hi Kevin,
I see where you're coming from, but would that not make unfamiliar people think that they have to select "comment (=neutral)" if they wish to make a comment. IOW, it might lead people to believe that they can't agree/disagree AND make a comment at the same time. If the word 'neutral' is to be replaced, then maybe with a different word, but not 'comment'.

two2tango  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:30
English to Spanish
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I would keep "Neutral" Jul 21, 2004

In my opinion "Neutral" sounds like a reasonable middle point between "Agree" and "Disagree". In fact people usually add Comments to all three categories of peer-grading.


rhandler  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:30
Spanish to Portuguese
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Keep it "Neutral" Jul 21, 2004

two2tango wrote:

In my opinion "Neutral" sounds like a reasonable middle point between "Agree" and "Disagree". In fact people usually add Comments to all three categories of peer-grading.


Comments may be always added. Keep it as it is.


Kevin Pfeiffer (X)
Kevin Pfeiffer (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:30
German to English
+ ...
neutral as middle point between agree and disagree - yes, that is my concern Jul 21, 2004

two2tango wrote:
In my opinion "Neutral" sounds like a reasonable middle point between "Agree" and "Disagree".

Hi Enrique,

Yes, this is my point - people often seem to interpret a "neutral comment" as "an opinion that is less than agreement". If you simply want to offer a comment, you're put in the position of casting judgment even when this is not intended or desired.

But I'm new here; others obviously see this differently than I. Just thought I'd offer my "fresh perspective".


Claudia Iglesias
Claudia Iglesias  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:30
Member (2002)
Spanish to French
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One more option Jul 21, 2004

I agree with Enrique's view but understand Kevin's concern. In fact I've already kept my "comment" for myself just because in front of "neutral" wasn't its place.
So I'd go farther with your suggestion and propose another option, maybe in another window, just for "comment".

But let's be objective, we can make suggestions, that doesn't mean that they will be adopted next week


Kim Metzger
Kim Metzger  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:30
German to English
Replace "neutral" with "comment" Jul 21, 2004

Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:

Yes, this is my point - people often seem to interpret a "neutral comment" as "an opinion that is less than agreement". If you simply want to offer a comment, you're put in the position of casting judgment even when this is not intended or desired.


Howdy Kevin,
May I be so bold, amigo, and offer a personal comment? I've seen some of your neutral comments and was as surprised as the person receiving them. I can't remember the situations exactly, but I too thought that the Neutral was puzzling. Generally, (IMO) a neutral means a peer has misgivings about the answer, i.e. doesn't totally disagree with it but is not sure if the answer given was the correct one. I suppose a kind of unwritten code has developed over the years - and I hasten to add, not everyone sees it this way.
Some comments can be directed to the asker in the "ask the asker" box. Another possibility for commenting on a question(one that I use now and then) is to enter your own answer under something like "Note on question - not for points" but without providing an answer.
Best wishes, Kim

two2tango  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:30
English to Spanish
+ ...
Visions welcome Jul 21, 2004

Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:
But I'm new here; others obviously see this differently than I. Just thought I'd offer my "fresh perspective".

Hi Kevin, you have the right to offer your perspective, and the rest of us should be grateful for them. Each one of us may have a glimpse of truth, and the multiplicity of visions makes us all richer.


Sol  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 03:30
Spanish to English
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The solution I found Jul 21, 2004

The solution I found is to write "I'm not dissagreeing." or "Comment only:" in the Neutral field when I sense a Neutral could be taken as a Disagree.

As you can see in previous topics, many people don't feel confortable disagreeing, so they use the "Neutral" for that purpose. I, personally, believe that is not the best way to use the grading system, but we have to live with it for now. A while back I suggested more choices be added, for a total of 5 that would range from "strongl
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The solution I found is to write "I'm not dissagreeing." or "Comment only:" in the Neutral field when I sense a Neutral could be taken as a Disagree.

As you can see in previous topics, many people don't feel confortable disagreeing, so they use the "Neutral" for that purpose. I, personally, believe that is not the best way to use the grading system, but we have to live with it for now. A while back I suggested more choices be added, for a total of 5 that would range from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree". Maybe one day they'll implement that change, or maybe not, but in the mean time, we just have to get creative

Giacomo Camaiora (X)
Giacomo Camaiora (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:30
English to Italian
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keep "neutral" Jul 21, 2004

Kevin Pfeiffer wrote:


I would say that many if not most neutral opinions concerning a translation are in fact not intended as an opinion of the translation but rather as a comment.


Let's say that most of "neutral" entries are actually a kind of "soft disagree". I mean, a "neutral" sounds as a negative score. Since ever I can remember, the "neutral" option has always been used as a way of criticizing the "answerer". This is because the common sense leads to consider negative everything which not an "agreed".
Now, renaming of "neutral" to "comment" would lead to confusion for the prozians; many people could tend to misunderstand the meaning of the entries even though they are actually intended for supporting the answerer.

This is only an opinion, I'm not God.

Kevin Pfeiffer (X)
Kevin Pfeiffer (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:30
German to English
+ ...
Good idea! Jul 21, 2004

This seems to cause me problems because I sometimes consider an answer to be appropriate/clever/logical, but I don't feel comfortable (familiar enough with the subject area, for example) offering an opinion of "agree" (for all eternity).

Sol wrote:
The solution I found is to write "I'm not disagreeing." or "Comment only:" in the Neutral field when I sense a Neutral could be taken as a Disagree.

I like this suggestion. Thanks also to Kim and others for good comments and suggestions.



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Replace "neutral" with "comment"

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