Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

programa de tracción de proveedores

English translation:

supplier engagement programme

Added to glossary by James Calder
Feb 16, 2005 17:03
19 yrs ago
16 viewers *
Spanish term

programa de tracción de proveedores

Spanish to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
"Podemos destacar a modo de ejemplo las siguientes fuentes de información y comunicación:
Proactividad con proveedores:
***programa de tracción de proveedores***, evaluación y mejora continua, reconocimiento a proveedores."

From a document setting out a company's quality control and objective-related procedures. The word "tracción" is causing the problem. No answers with "traction", please.


Jennifer Callahan Feb 17, 2005:
I agree that tractioned suppliers sounds pretty ugly, verging on painful. Maybe something along the lines of "suppliers subject to the plan" or "suppliers involved in the plan"? Feb 17, 2005:
I stand corrected, Jennifer as 'traction" seems to work fine as a noun, but I have a problem when they use it as an adjective, e.g. "proveedores traccionados". "Tractioned suppliers" doesn't sound right.
Cecilia Della Croce Feb 16, 2005:
ahora que hay m�s luz, se me ocurren nuevas sugerencias (ver nota) Feb 16, 2005:
As Jimmy Cricket used to say, "There's more": "*** tiene 146 proveedores en ***** para todas sus plantas de producci�n y tracciona a 84 de ellos que representa a m�s del 90% de la facturaci�n." Feb 16, 2005:
I've just come across this section which helps shed a bit more light on the question: "Objetivo: - Impulsar o motivar a los proveedores que siguen apostando por la mejora hacia otros niveles de excelencia." It then goes on to say: "En la figura 1.c.1 puede verse la evoluci�n de los proveedores traccionados durante los �ltimos a�os y su grado de avance en la gesti�n."

As Cindy says, it's not a typo and it looks like it has someting to do with encouraging suppliers to raise their standards in line with those of the company. BTW, thanks for the excellent response so far - I didn't expect this question to have so much "tracci�n".

Proposed translations

53 mins
Spanish term (edited): programa de tracci�n de proveedores

supplier enablement / engagement program

It’s not a typo. It seems to refer to large, influential companies bringing their suppliers in line to obtain certain desired effects.

Apoyar el proceso de tracción desarrollado por organizaciones con capacidad de influencia propiciando de esta manera la digitalización de las empresas traccionadas.
Mediante un compromiso de colaboración de las empresas tractoras con la Administración, se promoverá la elaboración de planes de digitalización que afecten al conjunto de las empresas proveedoras y colaboradoras dentro del ámbito de influencia de dichas tractoras. De este modo se incidirá de forma coordinada sobre la cadena de valor.
Por otro lado, se apoyará la ejecución de las acciones de digitalización de las empresas traccionadas para cubrir los requerimientos propuestos por las empresas tractoras.

Programa de la promoción de la Producción Limpia en empresas industriales proveedoras de las grandes empresas participantes en el Plan de Tracción de IHOBE

Además de los Programas Ekoscan ya citados, también se han lanzado otros en colaboración con las empresas participantes en el Plan de Tracción de Proveedores de IHOBE, S.A.,. En estos programas participarán únicamente las empresas que indiquen las correspondientes empresas tractoras, entre las cuales se incluyen ITP, Mercedes – Benz, CAF, Maier S. Coop., Fundiciones Urbina y Darnobat.

(If you look up “empresas tractoras” you’ll find quite a few more refs.)

I have seen some refs. to “supplier enablement” or “supplier engagement” that I think might fit this description.

This paper defines full spectrum supplier enablement as enabling all of suppliers to do business in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible. Full spectrum supplier enablement is an integral part of a complete supplier relationship management (SRM) strategy. Successful SRM can occur only when the user have fully engaged all their suppliers.

Supplier Engagement: A thorough understanding of your supply-chain can help you identify and seek opportunities for improving business relationships and managing environmental risks. We can work with your company to:
• Conduct initial analysis of your supply chain including material and substance analysis
• Develop supplier management and training programs
• Build strategic partners

I’m not 100% sure that’s the exact translation in English, but at least the refs. will give you an idea of what it means in Spanish.

Note added at 1 hr 41 mins (2005-02-16 18:45:35 GMT)

I still like \"engagement,\" even with your added context, but here\'s another one for you: \"supplier mentoring program.\" I think that expresses it nicely.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks for the response everyone, but I think this option best expresses what the company is doing (thanks for your comments about "traction" though, Jennifer). As for the adjective I'm going to use "actively engaged suppliers"."
3 mins
Spanish term (edited): programa de tracci�n de proveedores

provider tracking program

Creo que tracción puede ser una mala traducción inicial del inglés
Peer comment(s):

agree MPGS : podría ser un typo :) ... :)
4 mins
Gracias de nuevo MPGS
agree Xenia Wong
7 mins
Gracias Xen. Saludos desde Venezuela.
agree ConstanzaG : totalmente de acuerdo. Muchas multinacionales utilizan este término por mala traducción de "tracking"
7 mins
Muchas gracias, Constanza!
agree Maria Carla Di Giacinti
20 hrs
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4 mins

supplier capture program

podría ser un typo por atracción

Note added at 2005-02-16 18:09:21 (GMT)

supplier appeal program
supplier drive program

Note added at 2005-02-16 18:10:02 (GMT)

supplier empowerement program

Note added at 2005-02-16 18:30:37 (GMT)

ahora que hay más luz, what about \"supplier focus program\"
Peer comment(s):

agree MPGS : podría ser un typo :)
1 min
gracias y saludos
agree David Brown : i believe it is too!
2 mins
gracias, David
neutral tazdog (X) : not a typo--there are lots of refs. to "tracción" and "empresas tractoras"
50 mins
gracias, Cindy. estuve revisando un po las referencias que mencionás y agregué dos opciones
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7 mins

some ideas : traction is all about pulling, drawing, hauling...

one well-known theory concerns the push-pull method i.e. either you push people into doing things (largely against their will), in which case you meet with resistance, or you try to "pull" them (think "pulling girls" and you'll see what I mean!).
This could be a supplier "pull" programme.
Can't say I have ever heard of it but I'm pretty sure it is something along these lines.

the Sony television factory, 12 firm Supplier Association based ... Agency’s Reactive
Development programme, are what may be termed “customer pull”, in other ... upload/pdf/LPIC_theme_paper_5.pdf -

Note added at 2005-02-16 17:30:08 (GMT)

LOYALTY program
Peer comment(s):

agree David Brown : not a bad line of thought
3 mins
Something went wrong...
9 mins
Spanish term (edited): programa de tracci�n de proveedores

Supplier control program

Hi, if you type the word traction into your word document and then hit Thesaurus it gives quite a few option as to other meanings of the undesired word "traction" - control, awareness etc...
I would think Supplier control program might fit!
Just a thought!!
Peer comment(s):

agree Patrice
1 hr
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28 mins
Spanish term (edited): programa de tracci�n de proveedores

supplier follow-up program

My suggestion.

Note added at 1 hr 36 mins (2005-02-16 18:40:04 GMT)

\"Supplier incentive program\", then.
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3 hrs
Spanish term (edited): programa de tracci�n de proveedores

supplier development program

"Having achieved ISO 14001 certification for the environmental management systems at all its operations, during 2003 MEL collaborated in a Supplier Development Program to support the certification of five of its service provider companies." (

Note added at 3 hrs 50 mins (2005-02-16 20:54:32 GMT)

Also: \"supplier improvement progam\"
\"How to Upgrade and Improve Supplier Performance: This course will cover beginning your supplier improvement program, how to build a basic supplier quality program, how to conduct supplier surveys and audits, effective evaluation of incoming material, how to measure supplier performance, effective supplier communications, educating your suppliers in your quality philosophy, statistical quality control and supplier process improvement, and how to install and maintain your supplier improvement program.\" (
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16 hrs
Spanish term (edited): programa de tracci�n de proveedores

traction plan

I know the asker said no answers with traction, please, but I have found numerous references to "traction plans" which seem to me to fit the context/meaning right on. These are plans for gaining footholds, increasing clientele or creating loyalty. The web sites below seem to bear this out:

Moreland Associates - Product Marketing - high tech marketing and ...
... The Traction Plan describes the current business, the market drivers, the traction
metrics, market segmentation, and the steps to achieving market traction. ... - 21k - Cached - Similar pages

Governor's Office for Substance Abuse Prevention
... Download the Report. Social Indicators - Learn more about Social Indicators. Gaining
Traction Plan - Learn more about the Gaining Traction Plan. ... - 14k - 15 Feb 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

December 2003 Letter
... Earlier this year we initiated a five-year traction plan that called for aggressive
growth to expand the outreach of Liberty Counsel throughout America. ... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

Memories of the Westerns by Paul Loynes
... were victims of' a 'BR Policy', ('its not reason, just BRB Policy' as someone once
said to me,) part of what was known as the 'National Traction Plan', to rid ... of_the_westerns_by_paul.htm - 76k - 16 Feb 2005 - Cached - Similar pages

SDSVP Newsletter
... Strategic Fundraising Traction Plan We recently held a Fundraising Committee meeting
and the latest developments of the Strategic Fundraising Traction Plan was ... newsletter/november2004FULL.htm - 101k - Cached - Similar pages

The Nation, 02/24/1910 - The Week
... Last week the people of Cleveland, by the largest majority ever given to a public
measure, adopted the Tayler traction plan establishing a three-cent fare ... - 29k - Cached - Similar pages

Note added at 17 hrs 5 mins (2005-02-17 10:09:05 GMT)

Examples of \"Supplier traction\"

File Format: Microsoft Word 2000 - View as HTML
... One of ACLIMA’s members, IBERDROLA, is a pioneer in this area, and has been operating
an environmental supplier traction programme for the last ten years. ... Archive/FLAP/Partnerships/ACLIMA.doc - Similar pages WWRE Update
... system builder Visagent. Supplier traction is a nagging problem for retail
and consumer-packaged goods marketplaces. Dyer reveals ... - 48k - Cached - Similar pages

E-marketplaces uncovered
... While technology was the underpinning factor last year, now, the financial liquidity
and supplier traction provided by the gorilla\'s existing database is ... tradingexchanges/feature010510-3.asp

Note added at 17 hrs 7 mins (2005-02-17 10:10:54 GMT)

Examples of \"Supplier traction\"

File Format: Microsoft Word 2000 - View as HTML
... One of ACLIMA’s members, IBERDROLA, is a pioneer in this area, and has been operating
an environmental supplier traction programme for the last ten years. ... Archive/FLAP/Partnerships/ACLIMA.doc - Similar pages WWRE Update
... system builder Visagent. Supplier traction is a nagging problem for retail
and consumer-packaged goods marketplaces. Dyer reveals ... - 48k - Cached - Similar pages

E-marketplaces uncovered
... While technology was the underpinning factor last year, now, the financial liquidity
and supplier traction provided by the gorilla\'s existing database is ... tradingexchanges/feature010510-3.asp
Peer comment(s):

agree Jenette Holyoak : I would agree with this line of thought - it seems to fit the context - even though it does mean using the dreaded word "traction"
30 mins
thanks Jenette
neutral SteveW : but "supplier traction" in the texts quoted doesn't seem to have anything to do with persuading suppliers to improve
40 mins
I get the idea that more than improve, it's a loyalty boosting action - that and bringing them into line with your corporate strategy
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11 mins
Spanish term (edited): programa de tracci�n de proveedores


Probablemente era "atracción de proveedores "

Note added at 22 hrs 50 mins (2005-02-17 15:54:12 GMT)

programa de monitoreo de clientes
programa de seguimiento de clientes
Peer comment(s):

neutral tazdog (X) : no, it's tracción - you'll find lots of refs. to "tracción" and "empresas tractoras"
44 mins
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