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How do you feel about agencies that ask you to use their software?
Thread poster: Tom in London
Jennifer Forbes
Jennifer Forbes  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:21
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In memoriam
I just ... May 31, 2016

... say no.

John Fossey
John Fossey  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:21
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It will cost them May 31, 2016

I have told them that invariably online editing is slower than using my offline CAT tool - the browser has to contact their server with every keystroke. Also, not using my preferred CAT tool means a learning curve to get to know new software. The net result is that I have to charge a higher rate to cover the slower productivity and learning curve. The client never accepts the increase.

With few exceptions, the client suddenly discovers they can export a filetype that can be used
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I have told them that invariably online editing is slower than using my offline CAT tool - the browser has to contact their server with every keystroke. Also, not using my preferred CAT tool means a learning curve to get to know new software. The net result is that I have to charge a higher rate to cover the slower productivity and learning curve. The client never accepts the increase.

With few exceptions, the client suddenly discovers they can export a filetype that can be used directly in my offline CAT tool, and just upload the completed file.

Childishly miffed May 31, 2016

If you'd handed Michelangelo a tin of Dulux and a roller it might not have gone down too well

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:21
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Get on with it, Mike May 31, 2016

Chris S wrote:

If you'd handed Michelangelo a tin of Dulux and a roller it might not have gone down too well

- and said "Get on it. We need this by tomorrow"

Maxi Schwarz
Maxi Schwarz  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:21
German to English
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logically .... May 31, 2016

I have an efficient method of translating which lets me create a quality product in optimum time. I have chosen the tools that I use and don't use for a reason. It seems to me that what we are selling is a product, not a process, so the idea of any customer insisting on dictating the process seems a bit absurd - but obviously they do.

But were I to comply, I'd have to figure in the amount of time that it would take me to learn to use their software, how it might slow down my trans
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I have an efficient method of translating which lets me create a quality product in optimum time. I have chosen the tools that I use and don't use for a reason. It seems to me that what we are selling is a product, not a process, so the idea of any customer insisting on dictating the process seems a bit absurd - but obviously they do.

But were I to comply, I'd have to figure in the amount of time that it would take me to learn to use their software, how it might slow down my translation process both for the translation itself and my usual quality control, and charge an extra fee for the extra work they are imposing, and the extra hardship. If they are fine with that, then why not? But my impression is that their expectation is the opposite.

I try not to feel anything about it and stay "professional" but it is a tad annoying and insulting.

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:21
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Thanks, but no thanks... Jun 1, 2016

My CAT is finely tuned and customised to the way I work, and I get to save what I want of the terminology and other useful information in my database. In the past Ihave found it enormously distracting to try and work with someone else's... and I tell them so.

I take due precautions with security, and remove non-recurring sensitive details from the TM - I am never going to use them anyway. It has never been a problem, so I don't buy that excuse. My security can't be worse than workin
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My CAT is finely tuned and customised to the way I work, and I get to save what I want of the terminology and other useful information in my database. In the past Ihave found it enormously distracting to try and work with someone else's... and I tell them so.

I take due precautions with security, and remove non-recurring sensitive details from the TM - I am never going to use them anyway. It has never been a problem, so I don't buy that excuse. My security can't be worse than working in the cloud.

I generally throw my weight about and tell clients MY terms. Some push off and find someone else. Others accept my terms, because they believe in the same principles. A few are desperate to find a translator who will deliver before their deadline gets really impossible, so they let me have my way. They may even find they can live with my whims, and we get to like each other. There always seem to be enough to keep me busy...

If you look like a doormat and act like a doormat, people will trample all over you and wipe their muddy boots on you.
I don't.

Michael Newton
Michael Newton  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:21
Japanese to English
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Agency's proprietary software Jun 1, 2016

I once had an inquiry from an agency in Mexico City. They required that I purchase their proprietary software. They would then charge me to be trained on the software and require that I pay them royalties every time I used the software (for them). My response is unprintable here but this appears to be a new source of revenue for some agencies and more and more agencies seen to be getting into the act.

Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:21
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English to Japanese
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Bad memories only Jun 1, 2016

I tried out MemoQ and Memosource which were required by two agencies I worked with in the past, and I had a hard time getting accustomed to HOW to use the tools, and slowed down my productivity. On top of that the two are server-based if I'm not mistaken, and there were few times when I could not log in when I wanted to due to the agencies' server problems.

I came to the conclusion that I try to avoid server-based CAT tools and other CAT tools which are not server-based, since asid
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I tried out MemoQ and Memosource which were required by two agencies I worked with in the past, and I had a hard time getting accustomed to HOW to use the tools, and slowed down my productivity. On top of that the two are server-based if I'm not mistaken, and there were few times when I could not log in when I wanted to due to the agencies' server problems.

I came to the conclusion that I try to avoid server-based CAT tools and other CAT tools which are not server-based, since aside from logging in, it takes time to get used to the tool(s) I'm asked to use. And these jobs are usually rush jobs where I think I will just end up how to use the tools at the time of delivery without any words translated.

So I say no.

Huw Watkins
Huw Watkins  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:21
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Italian to English
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Naming no names Jun 1, 2016

Michael Newton wrote:

I once had an inquiry from an agency in Mexico City. They required that I purchase their proprietary software. They would then charge me to be trained on the software and require that I pay them royalties every time I used the software (for them). My response is unprintable here but this appears to be a new source of revenue for some agencies and more and more agencies seen to be getting into the act.

I have had an experience with a VERY reputable agency based out of Ireland who are an extremely professional outfit. However, they introduced a system where you had to pay a monthly fee in order to use their (substandard) CAT tool, BUT, and get this, ALSO to BID on and receive work in a proz-like job post environment.

Hated the CAT tool, hated the job environment and certainly hated the 10 or 20 euros a month fee. I managed to cancel the subscript ion after a couple of months as I wasn't really getting a hardly any jobs from them that way anyway, I did some EU stuff for them for a while instead which was separate to the system. I can't work for them now as I refused to pay the subscription and they deleted my account/profile.

Oh and now I remember yet ANOTHER bad experience with an agency based out of Greece this time. Again a professional outfit that does work with the EU institutions a fair bit. They force you to use Memsource which has a proprietary way of actually counting and therefore paying for your work, 'based on effort' whatever that means. The upshot is that you end up getting paid far less than 0.06 euro cents a word, not including matches and fuzzies (don't remember exactly how much it was, but low). Beggars belief. Another deleted profile, however luckily there was an issue with the paperwork and were not actually able to enforce their system on me legally and I got paid my standard rate but again they deleted my account...

Not saying I dislike Memsource as a tool mind, it's much like the rest. If you've used SDL Trados Studio, memoQ, Transit, it really doesn't take long to get the hang of. Maybe your productivity drops the first day, but you can always post questions if you need to.

In the interest of transparency, my rates start from and are usually set at €0.08. I think that is pretty competitive. I do have a few agencies that I charge €0.09 and €0.10 also. Direct end clients are slightly more lucrative though.

[Edited at 2016-06-01 09:56 GMT]

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:21
Danish to English
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Servers Jun 1, 2016

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:

I tried out MemoQ and Memosource which were required by two agencies I worked with in the past, and I had a hard time getting accustomed to HOW to use the tools, and slowed down my productivity.

On top of that the two are server-based if I'm not mistaken, and there were few times when I could not log in when I wanted to due to the agencies' server problems.

I did not find them difficult to get used to, but that's an individual matter. I find them more intuitive than Trados, which I don't use. Once I knew the essential functions, I did not feel they slowed down my productivity, more the opposite.

Memsource is server based, and you can either download the file and work in their client software or use their browser-based software, but the latter is less stable than the stand-alone version. Both need real-time access to the term base and translation memory on the server, though. I haven't had problems with that, but any computer, including our own, can run into a glitch. But it does require a decent and stable Internet connection. What can slow it down is if the end client switches on machine translation, as the user can't switch it off, and I've made it perfectly clear to the concerned client that I refuse to work with that switched on. The client provides the licence.

MemoQ runs stand-alone but can optionally connect to a server from which one downloads the files. I don't know if it can be set up so it needs real-time access to a server. It takes more time to learn to use than Memsource, which has only basic features, but its quality assurance function and many other features are much more advanced than Memsource's. Some clients provide licences for doing their work, but for anything else, one needs to buy a licence. There are many text and video tutorials on MemoQ's website.

These are just my personal experiences, but these two CAT tools are essential for some 99 % of my work. Whether or not this software is suitable for anyone else is an individual decision.

Gabriele Demuth
Gabriele Demuth  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:21
English to German
It depends Jun 1, 2016

I am happy to take projects on Memsource as this was the first tool I used and I am familiar with it. Otherwise I am a bit cautious, primarily as it might take quite a while getting used to a tool.

Besides, as someone else has mentioned, this often comes with other demands like long payment terms, lowish rates, imposed CAT discounts, tight deadlines ... which does put me off working with an agency.

Keijo Sarv
Keijo Sarv  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:21
English to Estonian
Depends Jun 1, 2016

If it is an agency that gives me lots of work then I have no problem with using their software, unless they want to charge me for using it (has never happened to me). Currently I am using one of such CAT tools for a big company that provides me with lots of work. The tool is easy to use and is also helpful to keep record about jobs I have done for that company.

However, I don't like when I have to install special software for just one task and after it is done, I never need the tool
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If it is an agency that gives me lots of work then I have no problem with using their software, unless they want to charge me for using it (has never happened to me). Currently I am using one of such CAT tools for a big company that provides me with lots of work. The tool is easy to use and is also helpful to keep record about jobs I have done for that company.

However, I don't like when I have to install special software for just one task and after it is done, I never need the tool again.

Rebecca Davis
Rebecca Davis  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:21
French to English
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I have no feelings... Jun 1, 2016 I have always turned down any requests of this kind.
I translate the way I want to translate. If a client wants me, then that is what they get... If they insist on their own software/platform/or whatever, then they don't...

Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:21
German to English
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Similar discussions previously Jun 2, 2016

You might be interested to look at earlier Proz forum discussions on this subject, e.g. :

Using a translation agency's own CAT tool (Jun 2014)

Agencies' own CAT tools (Dec 2011)

The replies tended
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You might be interested to look at earlier Proz forum discussions on this subject, e.g. :

Using a translation agency's own CAT tool (Jun 2014)

Agencies' own CAT tools (Dec 2011)

The replies tended to be unfavourable to the use of the agencies' own software.


United Kingdom
Local time: 21:21
Italian to English
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I have done so, but don't like it. Jun 2, 2016

Firstly, there is a slight productivity issue while you go through the learning curve for the software.

Also, some that have been developed by the agency themselves often cannot compete with professional software in quality issues and bugs etc. Also, it may not be easy to reference TMs and glossaries that you have created over time.

Finally, there is one TM software seller who almost insist on using there software ..... but at a price!!!!!

At least with som
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Firstly, there is a slight productivity issue while you go through the learning curve for the software.

Also, some that have been developed by the agency themselves often cannot compete with professional software in quality issues and bugs etc. Also, it may not be easy to reference TMs and glossaries that you have created over time.

Finally, there is one TM software seller who almost insist on using there software ..... but at a price!!!!!

At least with some others like Idiom, the client pays the license and you as the translator can use the desktop version for free. Not perfect, but not too unfair.

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How do you feel about agencies that ask you to use their software?

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