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Which patron saint for translators?
Thread poster: Balasubramaniam L.
Balasubramaniam L.
Balasubramaniam L.  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:48
Member (2006)
English to Hindi
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Sep 5, 2016

Translation is a risky venture and divine backing is always welcome. So I thought this would be an interesting topic for those among you who are superstitious/religious.

Basically my question is, do you invoke a patron saint, god, goddess, deity, or other divine forces before embarking on a large and difficult project to help you with gaining success in it, or at least to give you the moral strength and sustenance to complete it without hitches?

This used to be standard
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Translation is a risky venture and divine backing is always welcome. So I thought this would be an interesting topic for those among you who are superstitious/religious.

Basically my question is, do you invoke a patron saint, god, goddess, deity, or other divine forces before embarking on a large and difficult project to help you with gaining success in it, or at least to give you the moral strength and sustenance to complete it without hitches?

This used to be standard practice in India with all scholarly works. Almost all classical literature in both Sanskrit and other Indian languages begin with a lengthy preamble in which the author praises almost every god, goddess and deity known to him, including the demonic forces (for good measure, perhaps!) and beseeches them for help in completing his magnum opus without obstacles.

The favourites are of course Saraswati and Ganesh. The former is the goddess of learning, and the latter, the god of obstacles and wisdom.

Incidently, today is Ganesh Chaturthi, the festival of Ganesh, and even as I write this sitting in Mumbai, celebrations are underway all around me. My wife is busy preparing delicious modaks in the kitchen, after which we all plan to go around the city visiting the various ganesh pandals where Lord Ganesh in his various forms would preside for the 14 day festival.

Our society has a Ganesh of its own, which arrived yesterday night, and will remain with us for five days. Many cultural events have been planned for these five days.

Another trigger that started me on this train of thoughts is that one our renowned social workers (Mother Teresa) is being anointed in Vatican today as a saint, and the entire media is agog with news about nothing else.

So who is your patron saint?

[Edited at 2016-09-05 10:50 GMT]

Ilan Rubin (X)
Ilan Rubin (X)  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 12:18
Russian to English
In the Jedi religion Sep 5, 2016

Saint C-3PO: "Oh, yes, Master Luke! Remember that I am fluent in over six million forms of communication."

CafeTran Training (X)
CafeTran Training (X)
Local time: 11:18
Nice one! Sep 5, 2016


Saint C-3PO: "Oh, yes, Master Luke! Remember that I am fluent in over six million forms of communication."

C-3PO is honoured in CafeTran too:!searchin/cafetranslators/C-3PO|sort:relevance/cafetranslators/WF30wdiK13I/TROfm3o4iPkJ

Annamaria Amik
Annamaria Amik  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:18
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Roman Catholics already have one Sep 5, 2016

matt robinson
matt robinson  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:18
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Spanish to English
Lost articles Sep 5, 2016

Well, I suggest Saint Anthony, who is the patron saint of lost articles, and also doubles as the patron saint of the poor!

Thomas Pfann
Thomas Pfann  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
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Another Catholic one: Saint Gottschalk Sep 5, 2016

Apart from Saint Jerome (patron saint of archeologists, archivists, Bible scholars, librarians, libraries, school children, students and translators) the Catholic church also has Saint Gottschalk, patron saint of languages, linguists, lost vocations, princes and translators:

Balasubramaniam L.
Balasubramaniam L.  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:48
Member (2006)
English to Hindi
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Doubly appropriate Sep 5, 2016

matt robinson wrote:

Well, I suggest Saint Anthony, who is the patron saint of lost articles, and also doubles as the patron saint of the poor!

This one is doubly appropriate, on account of "lost articles" and also on account of "poverty", which seems to be the lot of most of us, judging by the frequent griping about rates in these forums.

Panini, though not a saint, could also be a candidate, as he pioneered the science of grammar, and put together such a rigorous grammar for Sanskrit that the language has not changed since, preferring instead to go out of circulation as a language of every day use.

Balasubramaniam L.
Balasubramaniam L.  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:48
Member (2006)
English to Hindi
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Sorry, I missed this one Sep 5, 2016

CafeTran Training wrote:


Saint C-3PO: "Oh, yes, Master Luke! Remember that I am fluent in over six million forms of communication."

C-3PO is honoured in CafeTran too:!searchin/cafetranslators/C-3PO|sort:relevance/cafetranslators/WF30wdiK13I/TROfm3o4iPkJ

I am afraid this one went right over my head.

Balasubramaniam L.
Balasubramaniam L.  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:48
Member (2006)
English to Hindi
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Tower of Babel Sep 5, 2016

If translators need a brick and mortar place of worship to pay obeisance, the Tower of Babel may be a likely contender.

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
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Whit Sunday Sep 5, 2016

Not a saint, but certainly a festival - I celebrate Whit Sunday as my personal festival.

That was the occasion when, according to the New Testament, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples and they started preaching in many different languages - crowds gathered, and everyone heard the message in their own language.
I definitely hope the Holy Spirit, no less, will help me with my work.

Enjoy the festival in Mumbai! I am still dreaming of coming back sometime,
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Not a saint, but certainly a festival - I celebrate Whit Sunday as my personal festival.

That was the occasion when, according to the New Testament, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples and they started preaching in many different languages - crowds gathered, and everyone heard the message in their own language.
I definitely hope the Holy Spirit, no less, will help me with my work.

Enjoy the festival in Mumbai! I am still dreaming of coming back sometime, especially since I was lucky enough to get a glimpse of Northern India last year - so similar, and yet so different from Mumbai/Bombay as I remember it.

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 10:18
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Italian to English
Jerome Sep 5, 2016

In Western countries, whether you happen to be a Christian or not, Saint Jerome is generally considered to be the patron saint of translators and has been represented in some of the greatest paintings of the Renaissance and after.

The feast of St. Jerome is 30 September, International Translation Day.

My favourite is by Antonello da Messina and
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In Western countries, whether you happen to be a Christian or not, Saint Jerome is generally considered to be the patron saint of translators and has been represented in some of the greatest paintings of the Renaissance and after.

The feast of St. Jerome is 30 September, International Translation Day.

My favourite is by Antonello da Messina and is thought to have been completed around 1460–1475. It's here in London and I go to see it regularly, for inspiration. Note the lion limping towards Jerome, with something sore in its paw


[Edited at 2016-09-05 13:27 GMT]

Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:18
French to English
Ganesh Sep 5, 2016

Thank you Bala for starting this thread! I had read that Ganesh was the deity invoked by intellectuals. I must say I have always been rather fond of him so that's a good excuse to celebrate tonight! There's a little Ganesh festival on the first weekend of Sep in the north of Paris and I never manage to go, we were at a wedding this year.

[Edited at 2016-09-05 15:05 GMT]

Noni Gilbert Riley
Noni Gilbert Riley
Local time: 11:18
Spanish to English
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Thank you Tom Sep 5, 2016

"My favourite is by Antonello da Messina and is thought to have been completed around 1460–1475. It's here in London and I go to see it regularly, for inspiration."

And I was in the National Gallery just two weeks ago today, but didn't know to look. What a delightful painting: I shall make a specific pilgrimage next time.

Ilan Rubin (X)
Ilan Rubin (X)  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 12:18
Russian to English
Star Wars Sep 5, 2016

Balasubramaniam L. wrote:


Saint C-3PO: "Oh, yes, Master Luke! Remember that I am fluent in over six million forms of communication."

I am afraid this one went right over my head.

आप एक स्टार वार्स प्रशंसक नहीं हैं ?

Andrea Diaz
Andrea Diaz
Local time: 03:18
English to Spanish
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Thank you. Sep 5, 2016


Saint C-3PO: "Oh, yes, Master Luke! Remember that I am fluent in over six million forms of communication."

Thank you so much for this comment. I laughed so much.

As everyone else already mentioned, Saint Jerome is the patron saint of translation. In my alma mater, there is a translation conference at the end of September every year. It is obviously named after the saint.

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Which patron saint for translators?

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