Untar on Mac
Автор темы: AlChe
немецкий => английский
+ ...
Jul 15, 2017

I searched everywhere and can't figure out how to untar dictionaries on mac. There's a program called Untar, but it won't let me select the files.

Susan Welsh
Susan Welsh  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:17
русский => английский
+ ...
MAC forum? Jul 15, 2017

There's probably a Mac forum on Proz, you could ask there.

CafeTran Training (X)
CafeTran Training (X)
Local time: 14:17
Perhaps Jul 15, 2017

You can use http://wakaba.c3.cx/s/apps/unarchiver.html

esperantisto  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:17
Член ProZ.com c 2006
английский => русский
+ ...
muCommander Jul 15, 2017

Try muCommander.

немецкий => английский
+ ...
Автор темы
No Luck Jul 15, 2017

I tried both. Nothing's working. =/

Meta Arkadia
Meta Arkadia
Local time: 19:17
английский => индонезийский
+ ...
Right-click Jul 15, 2017

I may be oversimplifying things, but isn't it just a matter of right-clicking the icon, and select "Show package content"?




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Untar on Mac

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