Segmentation in WF Classic
Thread poster: neilmac
Local time: 10:10
Spanish to English
+ ...
Jul 19, 2013

I don't usually need to change the segmentation in my documents and normally just use the automatic segmentation. However, I am now working on a text where the segments are not condusive to smooth translation and would like to know how to change or combine the segments. I can't find the instructions on how to do this - can anyone help out?

Jean Lachaud
Jean Lachaud  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 04:10
English to French
+ ...
It depends Jul 19, 2013

Quick and dirty method: select the text you want in a segment, then Alt+Shift+Down to open it.

If your would-be segments end in (a) specific mark(s) (such as punctuation like a semi-colon, for ex., currency sign, whatever), then add that character to the Setup | General | End-of-segment punctuation list (my belt-and-suspender approach is to add the character inside the default list, rather than at the end).

Donatella Semproni
Donatella Semproni  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:10
Member (2002)
English to Italian
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HTH Jul 19, 2013

neilmac wrote:

I don't usually need to change the segmentation in my documents and normally just use the automatic segmentation. However, I am now working on a text where the segments are not condusive to smooth translation and would like to know how to change or combine the segments. I can't find the instructions on how to do this - can anyone help out?

Hi, You should find a bytton with the symbol "+" on the WF bar, that enables you to add one more sentence to the already segmented one. There is also a "-" button, that does the contrary, namely if you have in a segment 2 or more sentences, it de-segments one at a time.

Hope this helps!


Local time: 10:10
Spanish to English
+ ...
Didn't work Jul 19, 2013

Donatella Semproni wrote:

neilmac wrote:

I don't usually need to change the segmentation in my documents and normally just use the automatic segmentation. However, I am now working on a text where the segments are not condusive to smooth translation and would like to know how to change or combine the segments. I can't find the instructions on how to do this - can anyone help out?

Hi, You should find a bytton with the symbol "+" on the WF bar, that enables you to add one more sentence to the already segmented one. There is also a "-" button, that does the contrary, namely if you have in a segment 2 or more sentences, it de-segments one at a time.

Hope this helps!


Thanks for the tip, although when I click on the + symbol nothing happens. Perhaps I need to highlight the next segment or something like that? I've already spent 15 minutes trying to solve this (the "Knowledgebase" is useless) and if it takes any longer I'll just have to carry on regardless, or translate the rest of the text without WF, which would be a shame.

Lori Cirefice
Lori Cirefice  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:10
French to English
Hard returns, punctuation, OCR? Jul 19, 2013

If the + button isn't working, try clicking the "show formatting" button in word (looks like a paragraph mark). See what symbol is between the two parts you are trying to combine into a single segment, that might shed some light on your issue.

If your document was OCR'd, that would explain a lot. Those types of documents often have hard returns instead of normal line breaks, which causes odd segmentation. When that happens, if the document isn't too long, I sometimes go through and
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If the + button isn't working, try clicking the "show formatting" button in word (looks like a paragraph mark). See what symbol is between the two parts you are trying to combine into a single segment, that might shed some light on your issue.

If your document was OCR'd, that would explain a lot. Those types of documents often have hard returns instead of normal line breaks, which causes odd segmentation. When that happens, if the document isn't too long, I sometimes go through and clean things up manually beforehand, to make segmentation easier.

Christophe Delaunay
Christophe Delaunay  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:10
Spanish to French
+ ...
As JL01 commented... Jul 19, 2013

try the shif+ctrl+down combination which "Force Segmentation: Select a part of the text and press this shortcut to force Wordfast to add the selected text into a new segment even if it does not end with one of the defined end-of-segment-punctuation (ESP) marks" with which you can taylor your segment. Sometimes there may be some resistance though. WFClassic is alive!

More helpful short
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try the shif+ctrl+down combination which "Force Segmentation: Select a part of the text and press this shortcut to force Wordfast to add the selected text into a new segment even if it does not end with one of the defined end-of-segment-punctuation (ESP) marks" with which you can taylor your segment. Sometimes there may be some resistance though. WFClassic is alive!

More helpful shortcuts here (not exhaustive though):

Hope it helps

Mark Hamlen
Mark Hamlen  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:10
French to English
+ ...
Doctor the original Jul 20, 2013

I translate a lot of French court decisions which are written in enormous run-on sentences (sometimes 600 words!). These are punctuated with "...; que...." (....; that...), the spots where I normally start new English sentences. Before translating the text I run a global replace "; que" to ". Que" and then I get segments that resemble the length of my English sentences.

Local time: 10:10
Spanish to English
+ ...
Thanks anyway Jul 21, 2013

Thanks for the help people. However, none of the tips worked out for me, so I eventually just separated the rest of the text and translated it manually without WF, as I had to meet a deadline.

I really do think the support provided on the WF site leaves an awful lot to be desired. Occasionally I'd like to find out "How to" do certain basic things with WF but always end up throwing in the towel, because it takes so long. It's a shame, because I really like WF and would even consider
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Thanks for the help people. However, none of the tips worked out for me, so I eventually just separated the rest of the text and translated it manually without WF, as I had to meet a deadline.

I really do think the support provided on the WF site leaves an awful lot to be desired. Occasionally I'd like to find out "How to" do certain basic things with WF but always end up throwing in the towel, because it takes so long. It's a shame, because I really like WF and would even consider a pay-per-query option if I could just get simple step-by-step instructions from time to time on a Q+A basis (not FAQs).


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Segmentation in WF Classic

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