The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Transport / Transportation / Shipping Translation Glossary

German term English translation
Typenblatt data sheet
Typenplan general layout; general arrangement
UF Ast B14 (Unterführung, Anschlußstelle) underpass branch-off point B14
umbändert strapped
Umfuhren cartage
Umgriff wrap-around
Umlauf des Weichenantriebs throw of point machine
Umlaufentgelt round trip payment/fee
Umlaufplanung diagram planning
Umrißbegrenzungsleuchte marker lights
umschaltbarer Saugkreis reversible acceptor circuit
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Umschlagarbeiter im Überseehafen stevedore at an international port
Umschlagfestigkeit durability to withstand handling, storage and transportation
Umschlaglager distribution centre / trans-shipment centre
Umschlagleistungen cargo handling services / shipment handling services
Umschlagsbahnhöfe tran(s)shipment terminals
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Umschlagsgewohnheiten der Produkte turnover of products / product turnover
Entered by: Edith Kelly
Umschlagslagerung transit storage / transshipment storage
Umschlagstelle transshipment point
Umschlagsufer trans(s)hipment quay / cargo handling quay
Entered by: Olaf Reibedanz
Umschlagufer commercial dock
Umschlagvorgänge transhipment processes
Umsteigevorgänge by changing modes of transport
Umstellung und Konsolidierung conversion and consolidation
Umverfügung redirecting delivery to another destination
Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung safety certificate
Unfallgeschehen Incidence of accidents, level of accidents, occurrence of accidents, number and frequency of accidents
unfrei ab Lager from the warehouse, freight collect
unfrei per Post by post, no stamp required
unter 4° schrägverzahnt with a helix angle of 4°
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
unter Druck belastete Gummi-Metall-Feder compression-loaded rubber-metal spring
Unterabnahmeantrag application for acceptance
Unterfeuerung fire engulfment
Untergeschäftsprozess business sub-processes
Entered by: Teresa Reinhardt
Unterhaltstopfen maintenance tamping
unterlagern / überlagern sequential control, master/process control
untersagte Weiterfahrt prohibited from continuig the journey
unterwegs on the road
Urheberhinweis certificate of origin/proof of origin/evidence of origin
Valorentransporte Cash/valuables-in-transit (services)
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