Glossary entry

Czech term or phrase:

Tesime se na spolupraci s Vami

English translation:

We look forward to working with you

Added to glossary by Hana Grygarova
Aug 23, 2010 15:35
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Czech term

We look forward to cooperating

Czech to English Marketing Advertising / Public Relations
Myslim si ze je to czenglish, presto se s touto vazbou setkavam, ovsem hlavne na ceskych webech prekladanych do anglictiny.
Ma to byt "We look forward to cooperate, predpokladam."
Cooperate v. collaborate


Maria Chmelarova Aug 24, 2010:
(to) cooperate/cooperating podla mna to je povodna otazka a nie cooperating / working (to work)
Milada Major Aug 23, 2010:
fine, thanks, I know "to collaborate" evokes cooperation with an enemy, the same in Slovak
Charles Stanford Aug 23, 2010:
But cooperation agreement is fine as well. Just have to be a bit careful with cooperation and collaboration
Charles Stanford Aug 23, 2010:
Perhaps "joint venture agreement"...
Gerry Vickers Aug 23, 2010:
Cooperation agreement 'Cooperation agreement' is fine - nothing wrong with that at all. It is just in this present context that it has different nuances - Charlie came up with what I was going to say, i.e. co-operating with the police, higher authority, etc.

Proposed translations

28 mins

We look forward to working with you

Dalšï možnost. 'Co-operate/cooperate' je sice czenglish, ale je neškodné :) Moc se to však v angličtině v takovém kontextu nepoužívá.

Slovo cooperate je v každodenné angličtině spíše používano ve souvislosti se zlobivým dítětem anebo žákem např. 'why won't you just co-operate and do as I say?'

Peer comment(s):

agree Hannah Geiger (X)
4 mins
agree Rad Graban (X) : Or more cliché "We look forward to (a successful) working relationship in the future". :~))
23 mins
Thanks! There are various combinations you could work with, but that one is OK too, but I find from personal experience that the more obsequious it gets, the less sincere it becomes :)
agree Michal Surmař : Thanks!
46 mins
Not at all - thank you :)
agree Ivan Šimerka
1 hr
agree Jennifer Taylor : I like your daily use example :)
5 hrs
Yes - I get lots of practice!
agree Maria Chmelarova
6 hrs
agree Lubosh Hanuska : Sounds OK too.
10 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Diky moc, to uz me netaha za usi :-) "
6 mins

We look forward to cooperating

je to správne, "look forward to" sa viaže s gerundiom,
the word "to" in this idiom is a preposition followed by a noun/ noun phrase
Peer comment(s):

agree Tomas Janosik : Alebo Looking forward to further cooperation
3 mins
agree Vladimir Karoli
9 mins
agree Charles Stanford : Milada is quite right. Personally I always think "cooperating" is Czenglish. We would be more inclined to say "working with you". Cooperate is what you do when arrested by the STB
13 mins
:-) really? how would you put "zmluva o spolupráci", I´ve translated a good deal of them and always put "cooperation agreement"
agree Gabriela Verešová
29 mins
neutral Rad Graban (X) : Gramatically correct, but not very English.
36 mins
neutral Lubosh Hanuska : Agree with Rad, not the best option.
11 hrs
Something went wrong...
11 hrs

We look forward to our future co-operation

Just another option that sounds a bit better to me.
Something went wrong...

Reference comments

1 hr

Cooperate v. collaborate

Just an interesting link.
Something went wrong...
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