Oct 8, 2008 06:58
16 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

all things being equal

English to Romanian Other Other
In other words, all things being equal, if you will put your business in my hands... if youwill put certain components of your business at my control, and I have the ability, if I fail with yourtotal cooperation to produce some results - I don't deserve to be paid, or I don't deserve to keepthe money I have been paid.

Proposed translations

31 mins

dacă totul merge cum trebuie

Sau ...”conform aşteptărilor”

(all) other things being equal
if everything happens as you expect it to happen. All things being equal, I should be home by Thursday.

(all) other things being equal
if in all other ways two situations are the same or similar. All other things being equal, a professor can get higher ratings from students by giving higher grades.
Usage notes: also used in the form all things being equal: All things being equal, children are better off having both a mother and father in the home.Most freq form is "all other things being equal"--SL, 2/03
Peer comment(s):

agree Claudia Anda-Maria Halas
2 hrs
agree Alice Crisan
3 hrs
5 hrs
agree wordbridge
11 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "multumesc mult"
32 mins

condiţii neschimbate/asemănătoare/(sau chiar)identice

cam aşa ceva

Note added at 33 mins (2008-10-08 07:31:44 GMT)

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&as_qdr=all&q="Ceteris par...
Peer comment(s):

agree Cristinel Sava
3 hrs
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1 hr

în mod normal

o altă variantă

if everything happens as you expect it to happen
Note from asker:
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38 mins

dacă lucrurile rămân la fel/ceteris paribus

daca situatia nu se schimba/in aceleasi conditii/daca lucrurile decurg tot asa

Usage notes: also used in the form all things being equal: All things being equal, children are better off having both a mother and father in the home.Most freq form is "all other things being equal"

Cēterīs paribus is a Latin phrase, literally translated as "with other things the same." It is commonly rendered in English as "all other things being equal."

Ceteris paribus: la locuzione, tradotta letteralmente, significa a parità di tutte le altre circostanze.In italiano colto la traduzione è "Stanti così le cose" a significare "se la situzione rimane quella che è" o "se le condizioni non mutano". Un esempio di utilizzo è "Ceteris paribus la riunione è fissata per il 20 novembre alle ore 10".

Note added at 5 hrs (2008-10-08 12:10:18 GMT)

El ştie că, ceteris paribus, creşterea ofertei va determina scăderea preţului la orice produs însă speculaţia sa cu privire la evoluţia
viitoare a preţurilor nu se desfăşoară în condiţiile ceteris paribus.
Note from asker:
Peer comment(s):

agree airineiv (X)
33 mins
agree Tatiana Welch
6 hrs
agree Alina Weidell : ceteris paribus e termenul folosit in afaceri- in aceleasi conditii
10 hrs
agree Anca Nitu : frumos! parca e de mine :)
11 hrs
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Reference comments

23 mins

Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Cristinel Sava
3 hrs
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