Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

jury de scolarité

English translation:

(School) Assessment Board

Added to glossary by Timothy Barton
Sep 12, 2007 16:06
17 yrs ago
13 viewers *
French term

jury de scolarité

French to English Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy Higher education
Le passage en année supérieure est décidé par le jury de scolarité.

Very few sites on this. Must be a new term. Any idea whether there's an equivalent board or jury in English-speaking countries that decides whether students are promoted to the next year?


Timothy Barton (asker) Sep 12, 2007:
Answer All years of a four-year university course.
veratek Sep 12, 2007:
this is for what year in school? is it for all students or for a special case?

Proposed translations

15 hrs

assessment committee/board

Once again, standing procedure in France where the results of students are discussed in committee. This is not an examinations board as such for the members of the 'panel' are made up of teachers from each subject/discipline area and it's a make or break situation for borderline students. (as a teacher I was regularly invited to sit on the committee although presence is not obligatory. However, it can make a difference to some students if you go as you can speak up for them.)
The closest we seem to have is the Assessment Committee or Board where the students' results are debated by a committee made up of faculty members. See the following links for more details
Membership of Faculty Assessment Committees

the Dean or nominee as Chair
Sub Dean/ Associate Dean
the Heads, or their nominees with delegated authority, of all Academic Units offering subjects for courses for which the Faculty has responsibility
academic staff from Academic Units external to the Faculty, as determined by the Chair
other academic staff, as agreed by the Chair

Note added at 16 hrs (2007-09-13 08:40:27 GMT)

you might prefer Faculty assessment board to get across the idea of inclusion of individual members of staff being present
The Faculty Assessment Board is also responsible for dealing with individual student cases, monitoring of results and the provision of advice on student achievement, in respect of all courses that are the responsibility of the Faculty, with the exception of research higher degrees
The Faculty Assessment Board approves the grades and they are then listed on the student's academic record.
Peer comment(s):

agree MatthewLaSon : Yes, I like this one. I said "Academic Advisory Committe" as it does have the responsibility of determining pass/fails for the year. But, it's a committee which seems to be used more at the tertiary level than at the secondary level.
4 days
Thanks Matthew :-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks. In the end I went for "School Assessment Board" to distinguish it from "jury de diplôme" later in the text"
1 hr

borad of examiners

The University operates a system whereby degree examination results are approved by Boards of Examiners. A Board is made up of representatives of all the Departments teaching on a course and has the responsibility for approving exam results and for taking decisions about the progress of students. Boards generally meet twice a year, once in late June to review students’ performance in the January and May/June diets of examinations, and again in September to review the August diet. Students’ identities are not disclosed during the marking process for all examinations and in some cases double-marking by internal examiners takes place. Examination question papers and scripts are subject to scrutiny by External Examiners.
Peer comment(s):

agree LilianaV (X) : board
13 mins
many thanks
agree Vania de Souza : that's right
41 mins
un grand merci
agree JPMedicalTrans
44 mins
merci beaucoup
agree Assimina Vavoula
1 hr
many thanks
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12 hrs

academic advisory committee


I'm not sure if there is an exact equivalent in English. But, it seems that in the US that this committee would take care of matters with regards to a student advancing to the next grade, level, etc.

I do think, however, that "Board of Examiners" is too generic of a translation for this French term.

I hope this helps.
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