Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

avec ou sans attribution de qualité

English translation:

with or without needing to be appointed in a special capacity

Added to glossary by Chris Hall
Nov 27, 2009 12:54
15 yrs ago
42 viewers *
French term

avec ou sans attribution de qualité

French to English Law/Patents Law (general) inheritance Belgian
Faire procéder à la vente de tous meubles corporels et incorporels sans exception, avec ou sans attribution de qualité, en recevoir le produit.

It also says above: Requérir toutes appositions de scellés ou s'y opposer, en demander la levée avec ou sans description, faire procéder à tous inventaires et récolements, y prendre part, introduire tous référés, demander toutes autorisations pour agir sans attribution de qualité, choisir tous administrateurs, gardiens et dépositaires ou s'opposer à leur nomination.

I assume it means having the capacity of an heir - but then why this difference?
Change log

May 20, 2010 15:03: Chris Hall Created KOG entry


Wilsonn Perez Reyes May 1, 2022:
In short: with or without special powers (of attorney)
Travelin Ann Nov 27, 2009:
Thanks, Karen
Karen Stokes Nov 27, 2009:
Absolutely agree with you, Ann - there's too much duplication as it is. Best regards, Karen
Andre de Vries (asker) Nov 27, 2009:
acceptance of inheritance I think it refers to whether the heir accepts or renounces the inheritance -
my first idea is evidently not OK, but I don't think that valuation works in the context -
Andre de Vries (asker) Nov 27, 2009:
Correct that is correct
Travelin Ann Nov 27, 2009:
Are these the instructions to the executor of the will?

Proposed translations

3 hrs

with or without needing to be appointed in a special capacity

Since Ann has not posted an answer (and I have waited to see whether or not she would post an answer), I believe that somebosy should post an answer. I even asked her to post the answer herself, so that she would get the credit for it.

N.B. Please search the glossary in future Michael before posting terms which are already in the glossary.


Note added at 3 hrs (2009-11-27 16:44:08 GMT)

N.B. Please search the glossary in future Andre before posting terms which are already in the glossary.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"

Reference comments

1 day 1 hr

Believe you will find what you need here

See my link, to a previous discussion, in the glossary. No need to clutter up the glossary with the same term again.
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