Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

préjudice industriel

English translation:

loss of production

Added to glossary by Carolyn Brice
Jun 26, 2012 06:27
12 yrs ago
French term

préjudice industriel

French to English Law/Patents Law (general)
Comme pour tout préjudice civil, le préjudice industriel et commercial subi par une entreprise doit, pour pouvoir faire l'objet d'une indemnisation, répondre aux conditions de réparabilité énoncées par le Code civil.

Here we have three terms: "préjudice civil", which I understand is a civil wrong in England and Wales, and "préjudice industriel" and "préjudice commercial". Basically, I am looking for some help translating "préjudice industriel", and I'll find my way for the "commercial" bit.

Would I be thinking along the right lines if I were to talk about torts, i.e. a business or commercial tort? Would that also apply to the UK system?

Any references or explanations or generally any help at all would be much appreciated.

Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 loss of production
4 -3 industrial injury

Proposed translations

6 hrs

loss of production

"Industriel" and "commercial" are both false friends. "Industriel" often means manufacturing, and "commercial" is usually "sales". So it's loss of production, and loss of sales.
References to follow...

Note added at 14 days (2012-07-10 15:03:31 GMT) Post-grading

Point taken (literally, as you gave me 3 instead of 4!). I can't find any references, but I'm 95% certain just from having translated so many texts on this subject - "industriel" and "commercial" are mistranslated most of the time.
Peer comment(s):

agree Cetacea
2 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for your help, sorry for closing this question so late, I was really unsure of what the correct term should be. I find a lot of references for "préjudice commercial" being loss of business, which is in line with your proposal for that term. As for the term actually asked ("préjudice industriel"), I don't even find many references in French explaining what it is, and it seems to almost always go hand in hand with "préjudice commercial". I will agree with your proposal of "loss of production". Those references you promised would have been nice (hence the 3 points) just to provide some added confirmation. Thanks for your help though!"
5 mins

industrial injury

Peer comment(s):

disagree David Wright : How can an enterprise suffer an industrial injury?
38 mins
disagree Alistair Ian Spearing Ortiz : I second David's comment.
1 hr
agree TechLawDC : Industrial and commercial injury are examples of civil injuries. That is what the author is saying, and the Web has much to support it.
3 hrs
disagree philgoddard : Nothing to do with injury.
6 hrs
disagree Cetacea : Of course the term is out there. But it means something entirely different.
8 hrs
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