Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

la démocratisation du luxe

English translation:

accessibility of luxury

Added to glossary by Nicole Pennebaker
Nov 6, 2007 12:50
17 yrs ago
9 viewers *
French term

la démocratisation du luxe

French to English Marketing Marketing
I thought about "popularization" but am not extremely satisfied with this.
Change log

Nov 7, 2007 15:13: Nicole Pennebaker Created KOG entry


CMJ_Trans (X) Nov 6, 2007:
what is the sentence ? In English we make less use of nouns.....
Peter LEGUIE (asker) Nov 6, 2007:
Yes, that is just the right idea. I am looking for an English noun to translate "démocratisation".
French Foodie Nov 6, 2007:
How does it fit into your sentence? It's the idea of luxury items no longer being available to a select few - luxury is coming into more and more people's reach.

Proposed translations

1 hr

accessibility of luxury

I think you can also say democratization of luxury - it would just depend on the target audience.

Good luck!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you, I am most grareful."
6 mins

luxury for the masses

Several options, although it depends how you can work it into your sentence.
luxury for the masses
democratization of luxury
egalitarianism, etc.

Although a mouthful, "democratization of luxury" is definitely used in English.

Reason Magazine - Needing the Unnecessary
The democratization of luxury has been the single most important marketing phenomenon of modern times. And it has profound political implications. ... - 47k - Cached - Similar pages
The Global Trend Towards the Democratization of Luxury- Pool ...
There is a new egalitarianism or democratization of luxury developing over the past decade which is pressuring the top-tier marketers to innovate faster and ... - 32k - Cached - Similar pages
Luxury 4/02
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
the democratization of luxury. We define it as middle-. market consumers selectively trading up to higher lev-. els of quality, taste, and aspiration. ... - Similar pages Luxury For The Masses
Several factors have contributed the move to the democratization of luxury, including a decline in household size (and thus an increase in family income), ... - Similar pages
Peer comment(s):

agree siragui : "Luxury for the masses" seems the most idiomatic expression.
3 hrs
thanks siragui
agree veratek
17 hrs
thanks vera-tech
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10 mins

affordability of luxury

Granted, one describes the process, the other is the result of this process, but maybe it would fit the context? Otherwise, you can write something along the lines of "making luxury affordable"
Peer comment(s):

agree siragui : "Making luxury affordable" might be the perfect formula ... but hard to know without context ...
2 hrs
agree Jeanette Phillips : better to say "affordable luxury". There was an old advertising campaign in England for a soap, and the slogan was "(name of soap) you can afford"
7 hrs
Thanks! In fact, that's what came to my mind first, but then I felt it would be a slogan so old and threadbare that translating it this way once again would be a crime :-)
agree Catherine CHAUVIN : I agree with Jeannette. Affordable luxury. Your own idea was quite a good one.
11 hrs
Thank you!
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20 mins

bringing luxury goods within reach of the masses

Thought about "luxury goods at mass market prices" but that could be going too far, without knowing the exact context.
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1 hr

bringing luxury into the high street

maybe hard to work into your sentence...
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19 hrs

democratisation of luxury

Why avoid the obvious. We've already had the democratisation of credit -- widely praised, even if it has brought us the subprime meltdown.

Note added at 19 hrs (2007-11-07 08:42:08 GMT)

~ 3k Google hits for "democratis(z)ation of credit".
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