Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

hospitalisation de jour

English translation:

ambulatory/out-patient care

Added to glossary by Carmen Schultz
May 28, 2005 04:40
19 yrs ago
38 viewers *
French term

hospitalisation de jour

Non-PRO French to English Medical Medical (general) medical CV/Resume
From the CV/Resume of a Medical Secretary:

Réception téléphonique et prise de rendez-vous pour hospitalisation de jour.

I imagine that 'hospitalisation de jour' must refer to what we in the UK would call 'out-patient treatment' - (i.e. patients receiving hospital treatment but not actually being admitted and staying in overnight) but am not sure about the US, which in this case is the target. Have I got the right idea here? Thanks.
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PRO (2): Sandra C., DocteurPC

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Proposed translations

1 hr

ambulatory care

another option

Note added at 1 hr 12 mins (2005-05-28 05:52:38 GMT)

This is the definiton from Eurodicautom:
Document 1

Subject Public Administration - Private Administration - Offices (AD)
Medicine (ME)

Definition Ambulatory care: Care provided to patients who are not confined to bed. The main types of ambulatory care are care as an out-patient or day patient and care given by a general practitioner at his practice premises. (Glossary of Health Care Terminology)

Reference Glossary of health care terminology.WHO Hogarth,Registration office for Europe(1976)

Note added at 1 hr 13 mins (2005-05-28 05:53:36 GMT)

This is the umbrella heading used at the county hospital where I work
Peer comment(s):

agree Dr Sue Levy (X) : we answered at the same time :-))
6 mins
I see--merci
agree Tony M : Yes, there is a definite distinction from 'mere' out-patient treatment
1 hr
merci Dusty!
agree Assimina Vavoula
1 hr
agree Angela Dickson (X) : a nice catch-all term
3 days 9 hrs
Thanks again...
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Carmen, this was exactly what I was looking for. "
8 mins

day hospital

gets enough googles to be taken into consideration
Peer comment(s):

agree SusanMurray : my grandmother was a day patient in a day hospital in the UK
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
7 mins

out-patient care

Public expenditure on out-patient care ... Dépenses publiques en hospitalisation de jour ...

Note added at 9 mins (2005-05-28 04:50:09 GMT)

The Outpatient Care Center was designed to deliver the highest quality clinical
... The Outpatient Care Center is conveniently located just west of the ...

Peer comment(s):

agree Can Altinbay : Out-patient treatment is definitely the common usage in the US.
17 mins
agree sarahl (X)
3 hrs
agree writeaway : or outpatient care. also used a lot in the UK, " the effectiveness of day treatment programmes versus outpatient care for
3 hrs
agree Kate Hudson (X)
6 hrs
agree Aisha Maniar
6 hrs
agree df49f (X)
11 hrs
agree Anna Maria Augustine (X)
14 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 hr

ambulatory care or surgery

Not quite the same as out-patient treatment, since the patient is actually admitted to hospital, that is, occupies a bed, but remains for only for a few hours.

Usually for minor surgical cases. care&btnG=Rec...
Peer comment(s):

agree Tony M : Yes, there is a definite distinction from 'mere' out-patient treatment
1 hr
thanks Dusty :-)
agree writeaway
2 hrs
agree Aisha Maniar
5 hrs
Something went wrong...
10 hrs

out-patient treatment

used a lot in Quebec
Peer comment(s):

neutral writeaway : changing from care to treatment doesn't warrant posting a new answer-you could have agreed and added your suggestion for Québec
1 hr
Something went wrong...
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