Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

BU sang +

English translation:

bilan/bandelette urinaire - urine dipstick blood +

Added to glossary by SJLD
Aug 24, 2012 12:03
12 yrs ago
12 viewers *
French term

BU sang +

French to English Medical Medical (general) Hospital report: Clinical finding on examination of trauma patient
A victim of a road traffic accident has been examined in a Service d'Urgences in France and found to have a compound fracture of the right femur. The casualty officer, obviously thinking about pelvic and abdominal injuries has examined the urine and the report states: "urines non hématurique (sic)." The next bit, on the same line as the aforegoing, says, "BU sang +". On the following lines, the details are about head injuries (all findings negative) so the "BU sang" seems to me to link in with the abdominal and pelvic concerns, though maybe not. I am unable to fathom out what the "BU" refers to and would be grateful for any light cast. Thanks in advance.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +4 blood in urine
3 bandette utinaire
Change log

Aug 25, 2012 14:49: SJLD changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/909821">Charles Ferguson's</a> old entry - "BU sang +"" to ""blood in urine""

Proposed translations

9 mins

blood in urine

BU = bilan urinaire

Possible no blood on gross examination, and + on dipstick urinalysis

Note added at 13 mins (2012-08-24 12:17:42 GMT)

1+ = small amount of blood - more than trace

Note added at 20 hrs (2012-08-25 08:40:31 GMT)

Alison is (almost) correct with BU = bandelette urinaire

Note added at 20 hrs (2012-08-25 08:43:23 GMT)

CCI 1 (RCIU) - Translate this page
... 7 jours), bilan hépatique complet, glycémie, uricémie ; Bilan urinaire : bandelette urinaire puis ECBU si nécessaire. Echographie de deuxième intention par un

Note added at 20 hrs (2012-08-25 08:45:10 GMT)

Note from asker:
Now that I come to think of it, I have seen the word "bandelette" on one of the dipstick containers. But anyway, my sincere thanks for your help, once again.
Peer comment(s):

agree Anne Schulz
2 mins
thanks Anne :-)
agree Bertrand Leduc
13 mins
thanks Bertrand :-)
agree Michael Barnett : //Yes! Saw a spectacular production of Turandot and great shopping!
2 hrs
hi Michael! Back already?
agree Jessie Nelson
1 day 4 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks and kind regards."
19 hrs

bandette utinaire

This is a dipstick to dip into urine to test for blood.
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