Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

huiles crues

English translation:

uncooked oil

Added to glossary by sarahl (X)
Oct 22, 2003 09:34
21 yrs ago
French term

huiles crues

French to English Other
In a book on diet tips. INstead of having that fry-up i'm going to treat myself to all the huiles crues I've never tried before. I imagine they are talking about olive oils etc...thanking you in advance...


sarahl (X) Oct 22, 2003:
what's your question ?

Proposed translations

11 mins

uncooked oil

cru = raw or uncooked
basically, the oil in your salad dressing is crue.
Simple as that!
Peer comment(s):

agree ntouzet (X)
4 hrs
merci !
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, "
13 mins

raw oils

exists in English. As opposed to refined, processed, blended oils. Raw oils include olive oil, sesame oil, other vegetable oils. There are lots of web sites on raw oils.
Peer comment(s):

agree Dylan Edwards : or "unprocessed oils" - see websites about organic diet.
2 hrs
agree Sara Noss
3 hrs
Something went wrong...
14 mins

crude (vegetable) oils

including : olive, anola, grape seed, sunflower seed, etc.

... Master in Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics, first year (choice, 3 pt.) (1st ... technologies
involved in the industrial process of the production of crude oils. ... - 16k - En cache - Pages similaires

Prepared Foods June 1998: Lipid Science - [ Traduire cette page ]
... Roberts, professor of Nutrition and Dietetics, University of ... However, borage and
blackcurrant oils appear to be ... hexane is used to extract crude vegetable oil ... 1998/9806/9806lipids.htm - 13k -
Peer comment(s):

neutral sarahl (X) : crude oil, c'est du pétrole brut ! Très indigeste...
13 mins
agree Emérentienne : c'est AUSSI, le pétrole brut. Plutot que huile crue, le texte aurait du parler d'huile vierge en fait.
1 hr
agree Gordana Podvezanec
3 hrs
Something went wrong...
2 hrs

virgin oil

seems like it... if there are are any "virgins" left
Peer comment(s):

agree MLG : in olives there are.
18 hrs
agree sarahl (X) : tu es une espèce en voie de disparition, mon pauvre Jacques !
1 day 9 hrs
en fait, je suis un revenant, ya ikhti...
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