Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Steffen Walter
Jul 2, 2004 02:16
20 yrs ago
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Part of a chemical process protocol.
Is it 'recrystallization'? I am unsure about the English 're' = German 'um'.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +4 recrystalization

Proposed translations

3 mins


DeVries, G-E Science Dico

Note added at 6 mins (2004-07-02 02:22:30 GMT)

Supported by New G-E Dictonary for Chemists,, Neville, Johnston & Boyd
Peer comment(s):

agree Dirgis (X)
23 mins
agree Rowan Morrell : My first thought, although that "um" is a tricky little prefix at times.
1 hr
agree Alan Johnson
3 hrs
agree Gillian Scheibelein
3 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This must be it! Thanks for your help and for those who supported your answer."
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