Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

ein Mosaiksteinchen hervorheben

English translation:

to highlight one small example

Added to glossary by Steffen Walter
Mar 14, 2008 20:23
16 yrs ago
3 viewers *
German term

Mosaiksteinchen hervorheben

German to English Social Sciences Idioms / Maxims / Sayings Description of a charitable organization
Ihr gesellschaftliches Engagement wurde beispielhaft. Um nur ein "Mosaiksteinchen hervorzuheben":XXX gründete eine Stiftung,....
Sorry, I can't give anymore of the text, but it goes on to describe a faoundation, and the names of the people who spearheaded it. I can't think of a good English expression for this term right now. Several heads are better than one! I appreciate any assistance I get!
Change log

Mar 15, 2008 08:31: Marcus Malabad changed "Term asked" from "Mosaiksteinchen hervorzuheben" to "Mosaiksteinchen hervorheben" , "Field" from "Other" to "Art/Literary" , "Field (specific)" from "General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters" to "Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc."

Mar 15, 2008 21:26: Courtney Sliwinski changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/653028">Courtney Sliwinski's</a> old entry - "Mosaiksteinchen hervorheben"" to ""highlight one small example""

Mar 16, 2008 14:00: Steffen Walter changed "Field" from "Art/Literary" to "Social Sciences" , "Field (specific)" from "Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc." to "Idioms / Maxims / Sayings"

Mar 16, 2008 14:00: Steffen Walter changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/653028">Courtney Sliwinski's</a> old entry - "Mosaiksteinchen hervorheben"" to ""highlight one small example""

Mar 16, 2008 14:01: Steffen Walter changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/34047">Steffen Walter's</a> old entry - "Mosaiksteinchen hervorheben"" to ""to highlight one small example""


CMJ_Trans (X) Mar 15, 2008:
something with "tiny" - also "patchwork" crossed my mind
PhilippID Mar 15, 2008:
had to look up 'quilts'! i just would have thought there would be a standard english phrase ;)
Ken McKerrow Mar 15, 2008:
ja genau - stimme philipp zu - ich ueberlege mir 'was mit 'quilts'...
PhilippID Mar 14, 2008:
small muss weil mosaiksteinchen sind klein.. "nur ein kleines beispiel von soooooviel engagement"

Proposed translations

4 mins
German term (edited): Mosaiksteinchen hervorzuheben

highlight one small example

waere moeglichkeit..
Peer comment(s):

agree Ken McKerrow : i think 'highlight' corresponds to the appropriate register. i haven't come up with anything more poetic! I'm still trying to think of something more poetic, but this is definitely serviceable...
24 mins
theres gotta be a prettier phrase certainly.. :)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "This seems to fit the bill. Thanks!"
2 hrs
German term (edited): Mosaiksteinchen hervorzuheben

to pick one (small) example

"to pick an example" is a common expression - I don't know (lack of context) whether you have to stress that it is a small one.
Peer comment(s):

agree Trudy Peters : or: to take just one small example
3 hrs
Thank you, Trudy. Have a nice weekend.
agree franglish : "to pick but one example". Mosaiksteinchen refers not so much to size as to number
9 hrs
Thank you, franglish. Have a nice weekend.
neutral Stephen Sadie : I normally "pick" samples or flowers...something more tangible
10 hrs
Something went wrong...
10 hrs
German term (edited): Mosaiksteinchen hervorzuheben

to cite one (small) example

may do the trick, hard with no further context
Peer comment(s):

agree kriddl
1 hr
thanks kriddl
agree mill2 : or name
5 hrs
thanks mill, name also works well
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