Apr 25, 2002 04:17
22 yrs ago
German term

Sie sind so sexy! ICH heucheln warten zu übersehen Sie! Sie sind mein

Non-PRO German to English Other
sent by girl friend - she likes to make me work!!

Proposed translations

7 hrs

You're so sexy! I'm waiting breathlessly to see you (again). You are my

Most definitely a machine translation!

Note added at 2002-04-26 10:09:25 (GMT)

The second part definitely sounds like it should be \"you are mine\", rather than \"my\", as suggested by Sibyl.
Peer comment(s):

agree brute (X)
1 hr
Thank you (breathlessly)!
agree patpending : don't know whether sounding breathless is the mark of a hypocrite...but that's heucheln all right...or is this a machine translation of "pants"?
10 hrs
I suspect "heucheln" is a typo and should be "hecheln"
agree Robinwood : Sure, a machine translation!
21 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thankyou all so much for translating the messages. The remarks like isn't it nice to play cupid were also quite amusing. You are all proof thet machines can not translate as well as people. Thankyou again."
4 mins

You're so sexy! I can hardly wait to see you! You are my

Daniel, you have an exciting girlfriend. The words are an approximation of German but not the real thing. My translation is just a guess as to what she was trying to convey. Maybe she got it from an online computer translation - the words tend to get all distorted.

Note added at 2002-04-25 04:27:05 (GMT)

Heucheln actually means to be a hypocrite or to simulate. Maybe she typed in trying and it came out heucheln. Übersehen actually means to overlook or miss. Maybe she typed in looking forward to seeing you.
Peer comment(s):

agree Kathi Stock : didn't take you long to figure that out, Kim
4 mins
It's been a long day and night.
agree Werner George Patels, M.A., C.Tran.(ATIO) (X) : Yep, that's what translation is all about: forget about the actual words and focus on the message or meaning
33 mins
agree Elvira Stoianov
1 hr
agree Andrea Buttgen : It must be love...
2 hrs
agree Sibyl Marquardt : wow! - just one thing: the last word could/might/should be "mine" instead of "my" if there's nothing else following it
2 hrs
agree jerrie
3 hrs
agree Alev Ellington
8 hrs
agree Robinwood : Love makes people forget the language
1 day 4 hrs
agree Optical
2 days 12 hrs
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