Feb 10, 2003 23:24
22 yrs ago
German term

hinein bekommen

Non-PRO German to English Other
Dies betrifft vor allem die Vermittlung in eine der in Göttingen angebotene Maßnahmen für Jugendliche, die im Rahmen des niedersächsischen Jugendsofortprogramms durcheführt werden, aber auch die Arbeit des entsprechenden Beratungs- und Vermittlungsdienstes insgesamt.
Ein Mitarbeiter der beruflichen Jugendberatung berichtet, dass man hierdurch workfare-Strategien in das Team "hinein bekommen" habe.

Proposed translations

1 hr

get across

or even 'sell' ... if the "Team" here means its individual members.
Otherwise, it's basically 'we've been able to work workfare strategies into the program.'

Note added at 2003-02-11 00:32:22 (GMT)

Or \'sell the team\' on workfare strategies.
Peer comment(s):

agree Johanna Timm, PhD : Would be my take on it, as well.
28 mins
thanks for troubling
agree Theo Bose
2 hrs
thanks for troubling
agree Steffen Walter : good one
11 hrs
agree Ron Stelter
12 hrs
agree Andrea Nemeth-Newhauser
13 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
5 mins

that they were able to inject workfare strategies into the team

seems to me
Something went wrong...
15 mins

were able to introduce

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28 mins


One counselor employed in professional youth work reports that this has resulted in instilling workfare strategies into the team.

Peer comment(s):

agree Steffen Walter
11 hrs
Something went wrong...
53 mins


to inject into
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14 hrs


.....were able to include workfare strategies .....-
I think 'inject' or 'induce' would be wrong here - introduce could also work
Something went wrong...
18 hrs

... workfare strategies were "integrated" into the team.

A strategy can really be included or integrated, but not quite instilled or injected.
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