Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

trancio di salmone in gelatina

English translation:

salmon steak in jelly

Added to glossary by Tom in London
Oct 29, 2008 10:05
16 yrs ago
Italian term

trancio di salmone in gelatina

Italian to English Other Cooking / Culinary gelatina
Ciao, non ho trovato nessuna definizione accettabile per "in gelatina".....chi mi aiuta?? Slice of jelly salmon non mi suona tanto bene....Grazie mille!
Change log

Oct 29, 2008 19:23: Tom in London Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

3 mins

salmon steak in jelly

If you google for that, there are lots of hits.
Peer comment(s):

agree Oana Popovici
0 min
neutral James (Jim) Davis : ?
25 mins
disagree manducci : he correct term is 'in aspic' and while you might find some who would use the term 'in jelly', not only does it sound very 70s, but also very unappertising
10 hrs
only if you were brought up on English jelly. And hey, what's wrong with the 70s? Google for "salmon in jelly" - lots of recipes.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks very much!!!!!!!"
4 mins

salmon in aspic

I think this is what you're looking for - used to be very common in the 50s, but has fallen out of favour in modern times!
Peer comment(s):

agree James (Jim) Davis
25 mins
agree Shera Lyn Parpia
31 mins
agree Barbara Toffolon (X)
42 mins
agree Susanna Garcia
1 hr
agree Ivana UK :
2 hrs
agree manducci : This was the correct answer.
10 hrs
agree Rachel Fell : this doesn't sound like gourmet cat food ;-)
12 hrs
Yes, I thought that too! ;-)
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3 mins

salmon steack in jelly

could be?

Note added at 3 min (2008-10-29 10:08:33 GMT)

Instructions for Ljs New Zealand Salmon in Jelly. Clean salmon and remove head, tail and fins. Cut the salmon into 1 lb steaks (not fillets). ...

Note added at 5 min (2008-10-29 10:10:02 GMT)

oops obviously "steak", sorry for the typo :-)
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