Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

prestazioni lavorative

English translation:

working duties / job performance

Added to glossary by Barbara Toffolon (X)
Sep 20, 2008 13:52
16 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Italian term

prestazioni lavorative

Italian to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Statuto
sono in un buco nero... troppo stanca...chi mi puo dare la traduzione giusta in inglese di questo termine:
"...Le modalita di svolgimenti delle *prestazioni lavorative* dei soci sono disciplinate da apposito regolamento...."

Proposed translations

7 mins

working duties / job performance

Ci provo... forse working duties visto che sono shareholders.
o semplicemente duties - The methods used by shareholders to carry out/perform their duties

Note added at 8 mins (2008-09-20 14:00:28 GMT)

scusami, ho lasicato job performance nella definizione. Dovrebbe essere working duties / duties
Note from asker:
Grazie Lucinda
Grazie Paola
Peer comment(s):

agree savaria (X)
9 mins
agree Paola Gatto : work performance
12 mins
Grazie a tutti
agree RazvanT : work/job performance (my Zanichelli DEEC seems to agree)
34 mins
agree _Vivi_ : maybe responsabilites instead of duties?
1 hr
yes, good idea
agree Rachael Alexander : Specific rules govern how shareholders perform their (appointed) duties
1 hr
that's a good solution too
agree Alessandra Renna
3 hrs
neutral James (Jim) Davis : shareholders don't normally have any "duties" they should perform.
18 hrs
agree Valeria Lattanzi
2 days 20 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Grazie a tutti"
37 mins
Italian term (edited): le modalità di svolgimenti delle *prestazioni lavorative*

the working methods

more Italian wordiness.....try this.

Note added at 39 mins (2008-09-20 14:31:56 GMT)

that whole circumlocutious phrase can surely be reduced down to something more to-the-point in English, without losing anything in the translation!
Note from asker:
Thanks Tom
Something went wrong...
15 hrs

"the work they provide" in context

"The ways in which the shareholders perform the work they provide are regulated by ..."
Note from asker:
Thanks Jim
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