Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

per Suo fatto o colpa

English translation:

due to your (or his/her) conduct or fault

Added to glossary by Kate Chaffer
Oct 22, 2008 09:09
16 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Italian term

per Suo fatto o colpa

Italian to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) agency agreement
Il ritardo ingiustificato nella rimessa dei pagamenti di cui ai precedenti punti costruisce ragione per la risoluzione di diritto del rapporto per Suo fatto o colpa, con ogni conseguenza e salva ogni nostra ragione di credito e azione.

Again, just wondering if there is a standard way of saying this.
Change log

Oct 23, 2008 15:39: Kate Chaffer Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

5 hrs

due to your (or his/her) conduct or fault

seeing as Suo is capitalised,I presume it means your in this case

Note added at 5 hrs (2008-10-22 14:16:46 GMT)

no hits for the combination, I'm afraid, but both " due to your conduct" and "due to your fault" get quite a few:"due to your conduct"&b..."due to your fault"&btn...
Peer comment(s):

agree Joanna M Cas (X)
17 hrs
thanks Joanna
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot!"
9 mins

own making and fault

only one hit, i'm afraid. however:
"In this connection, however, it must be clarified that common sense and fairness demand a notice of pre-trial or trial or for that matter, of any proceeding in which notice to the parties is mandatory, must be such as to give them and their counsel ample opportunity to appear, having in view not only the distance of the place of hearing but also the time that would be needed to reach the same from where the party notified may be at the time of notice and the circumstance, in which they are at the time of such service that is, whether or not said circumstance would reasonably enable them to comply with the notice. It is certainly inconsistent with simple justice for Us to hold that it is the inescapable duty of a party to appear before any court pursuant to a notice regardless of circumstances not of his own making and fault which render it physically impossible to do so, just because he has actually received the notice".
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1 hr

due to his behaviour (oppure unfullfilment) or fault

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