Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

processo di intervento

English translation:

process of intervention

Added to glossary by TechLawDC
Aug 4, 2012 13:10
12 yrs ago
10 viewers *
Italian term

processo di intervento

Italian to English Law/Patents Law (general) mandato (in ricorso per decreto ingiuntivo)
"Delego a rappresentarmi e difendermi nel presente procedimento, in tutte le fasi dello stesso, inclusa la fase esecutiva, e in tutti i gradi di giudizio, negli eventuali processi di garanzia, intervento, opposizione, sequestro, accertamento tecnico preventivo ed in tutti i procedimenti speciali l'Avv. Mariagrazia Porcari"

Intervento = Claim? Mediation? Service?

TIA :)
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 process of intervention
Change log

Aug 13, 2012 08:23: TechLawDC Created KOG entry


TechLawDC Aug 13, 2012:
Why the big mystery? Please tell us what you "went with".
Oliver Lawrence (asker) Aug 13, 2012:
Customer comment si intende la procedura o processo nel quale interviene un terzo che viene a sapere della causa e riguardo alla quale ha qualcosa da dire
Margaret M Mahoney Aug 6, 2012:
In this context, "Intervenion" has a very specific legal meaning that doesn't necessarily translate to Italian courts. Words that are commonplace often have technical meanings in the legal context. "Injunction" is also a very specific remedy under US procedural law that does not necessarily translate to Italian courts and their procedures.

Proposed translations

37 mins

process of intervention

An "intervention" is e.g. intervening as a third party in another lawsuit, or opposing such intervention in the described lawsuit.

Note added at 43 mins (2012-08-04 13:54:33 GMT)

Or, to stretch it a little, allowing a third party to intervene in the present lawsuit (allowing joinder).

Note added at 45 mins (2012-08-04 13:56:08 GMT)
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard
3 hrs
agree Charlesp
18 hrs
disagree Margaret M Mahoney : I don't believe that "intervention" as a procedural mechanism in the U.S. sense is used in Italian courts. "Intervento" means everything from surgical procedure to participation. In this context, it seems a remedy for non-compliance with an obligation.
2 days 36 mins
In English too, you can assign as broad a meaning to "intervention" as you dare to, or choose to. Perhaps you would prefer "intervention such as via injunction proceedings".
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks. I went with a paraphrase."
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