Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

pannelli di piano

English translation:

floor panels

Added to glossary by Paul O'Brien
May 19, 2010 20:32
14 yrs ago
Italian term

pannelli di piano

Italian to English Tech/Engineering Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Covering the chassis of electric trains. TIA

Rivestimento del pavimento
Il rivestimento del telaio del treno è tramite ***pannelli di piano*** e un pavimento montato sopra tali pannelli.
I pannelli saranno di legno laminato idrorepellente ed ignifugo nel rispetto della norma UNI CEI 11170-2/LR2. Questi pannelli si fissano mediante viti auto avvitabili a supporti trasversali di alluminio montati sul telaio.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 floor panels

Proposed translations

4 mins

floor panels

a train has either a low floor or raised floor depending on the type of platform. A tram or metro has a low floor so the door is in line with the platform for easy access whereas a mainline train has a raised floor. This term "floor" is piano rialzato or piano basso hence the reason for floor panels
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agree filippoc
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agree Michael McCann : Yes, agree
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