Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

E stato emotrasfuso per anemia co 4 U GRC

English translation:

received transfusion for anaemia of 4 units of RCC

Added to glossary by Steven Fung
May 8, 2011 01:54
13 yrs ago
19 viewers *
Italian term

E stato emotrasfuso per anemia co 4 U GRC

Italian to English Medical Medical (general) patient discharge letter
I would like some suggestions with this phrase which I've provisionally translated as :

"The patient was given a blood transfusion due to anaemia with a red blood concentration of 4 million cells/mcl."

If GRC means red blood cell concentration (globuli rossi concentrati), I'm not sure what the Italian abbreviated units are: co 4 U GRC. To my knowledge red blood count is normally expressed in English as "...million cells/mcl..." Is my assumption and translation correct? Below, is the paragraph where this phrase occurs (part of a patient discharge form):

In data 0910512008 viene dimes so il/la Sig/ra ~~:'N.r •.•T.e.s.sielr~a. Sanitaria nato il residente a in ;ia
•••••••••• con diagnosi di : mesotelioma pleurico non suscettibile di intervento chirurgicointrattamentopolichemioterapicoconAlimtaecarboplatino.II
paziente e stato ricoverato pres so la nostra Divisione il giorno 02/05/2008 per rivalutazione TC e terapia. La TC del torace ha mostrato un sostanziale miglioramento con riduzione delle lesioni neoplastiche di circa il 30%.Ha quindi eseguito il terzo cicIo di terapia che termina oggi.E stato emotrasfuso
per anemia co 4 U GRC e ha anche iniziato terapia con eritropoetina beta 30000 U una volta la settimana da proseguire a domicilio. E' previsto ricovero per
quarto cicIo fra 3 settimane ( data prevista 29/5 prossimo , previa conferma telefonica posta letto).
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Another way to think of the difficulty levels is this: an easy question is one that deals with everyday conversation. A pro question is anything else.

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Proposed translations

3 hrs

received transfusion for anaemia of 4 units of RCC

was transfused for anaemia with 4 units of RCC

RCC red cell concentrate or PRC packed red cells

PACKED RED CELLS, transfusion (0007-0131) "PACKED RED CELLS, transfusion ". Synonyms: Packed Cells; Red Blood Cells, Human; Red Cell Concentrate; Red Cells, ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Mihaela Petrican
44 mins
agree Constantinos Faridis (X) : molto giusto
50 mins
agree Amanda Jane Lowles
4 hrs
agree Alistair Ian Spearing Ortiz
4 hrs
agree Dr Lofthouse
6 hrs
agree corallia
9 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks SJLD!"
15 hrs

due to his anaemia he was transfused 4 U of red blood cells

he was transfused 4 U of red blood cells (RBCs), and bleeding ... No bleeding, 1 U of GRC post-surgically ... ively, received 2 and 1 U of GRCs:

Note added at 15 Stunden (2011-05-08 16:59:29 GMT)

sorry, I failed to spell out the abbreviation U (= unit)
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