Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

in sede

English translation:

in normal position

Added to glossary by Francesca Matteoda
Jan 16, 2013 09:27
12 yrs ago
30 viewers *
Italian term

in sede

Italian to English Medical Medical (general) hospital report
I've checked the archives and have found that "in situ" was suggested for this on a previous occasion, but I am not really convinced that this is the correct translation.
The term comes up several times in my hospital report. Some examples:
fegato: palpabile, in sede.
polsi arteriosi in sede, iposfigmici.
sistema ventricolare in sede di dimensioni nei limiti di norma
Is in situ really the best translation for this? I'd appreciate your comments. This is for the UK.
Proposed translations (English)
2 +1 orthotopic


Lirka Jan 16, 2013:
agree with Mihaela, and definitely NOT 'in situ'.
Francesca Matteoda (asker) Jan 16, 2013:
That's strange, I only found one relevant Kudoz question...
Mihaela Petrican Jan 16, 2013:
in normal position I would go with it, unless it is about a histology report (in which case "in situ" should be the right choice).
Plenty of previous Kudoz questions, by the way.

Proposed translations

22 mins


In sede indicates that the organs, pulses etc, are found in the appropriate places. A technical term would be "orthotopic".
On the other hand, I have a feeling that specifying "in sede" is typically Italian, and would either be omitted or replaced by the respective location in an English report (e.g.: Liver: palpable below right costal margin; Arterial pulses diminished)
Peer comment(s):

agree Lirka : yes, but I aslo agree with Mihaela: "in normal position", go simple in English reports!
4 hrs
Thank you lirka! Yes, I also like Mihaela's suggestion.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much!"
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