Aug 30, 2002 14:10
22 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Italian term

sistema fluodinamico

Italian to English Tech/Engineering
E' la descrizione dei servizi offerti da una ditta di ascensori:

Noi abbiamo tutto questo XXX(si riferisce a serie di prodotti, techniche di montaggi, prezzi competitivi, ecc.)XXX, siamo leader nel sistema fluodinamico e siamo associati al n° 1 nella tecnologia, in particolare in quella elettronica.
Ora noi abbiamo dei traguardi di vendita per zona, li raggiungiamo assieme?

Proposed translations

4 hrs

fluid dynamics

I would simply use \"fluid dynamics\", but \"fluid dynamics system\" is possible too.

Note added at 2002-08-31 19:55:19 (GMT)

Riflettendoci, fluid dynamics system non si dice. E\' piu\' corretto fluid dynamical system, come proposto in qualche altra risposta. Una nota su fluodinamico: in italiano non l\'ho mai sentito, si usa invece fluidodinamico (a conferma su google ci sono solo 28 hits per fluodinamico, rispetto ai 560 di fluidodinamico). Per quanto riguarda l\'inglese, mi sembra che l\'unica versione corretta sia fluid dynamics or fluid dynamical. (ho studiato fluidodinamica fino alla nausea all\'universita\'!!)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks everybody!"
7 mins

fluid dynamical system

fluid dynamical system/concept

Fluid dynamical studies are underway on a 400 mm diameter column to characterise dragging effects as a function of liquid and vapour flowrates and surface tension and viscosity of the liquid. A laser probe has been used to measure the dimensions of the droplets and their distribution and concentration at various distances from the plate.

hope it helps

Peer comment(s):

agree Antonio Camangi
2 hrs
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7 mins

fluid dynamic system / system of fluid dynamics

That should do the trick
Peer comment(s):

agree Antonella Andreella (X)
47 mins
agree marfus
1 hr
agree Ida DeFlaviis
1 hr
agree Olaf
2 days 4 hrs
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9 mins

fluodynamic (?)

one UK page:
... Other subjects of ARI's research about gas turbines : ? combustion ( fluodynamic
and kinetic calculations, design and test of burners and combustion chambers ) ... 2wMaterialsResearchAnsaldo.pdf

... The most widely used traffic models represent traffic flows as a fluodynamic
system which means the study of incoming and outgoing flows at each node. ...
Peer comment(s):

neutral Dan_Brennan : Jack - it's tempting... but of the 20 hits this commands virtually all are from Italian sites or are documents written by Italian speakers - simply a mistranslation I fear
6 mins
I meant JUST one UK link
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45 mins


Eurodicautum gives fluo-dinamic - with a hyphen.



Note added at 2002-08-30 15:00:25 (GMT)

er... that should have been fluo-dynamic
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6 hrs

fluid dynamic systems/fluidodynamic systems

Dear Julie,
I think the first option is perhaps more "British". However, in "International" English "fluidodynamic" is also used.

Pleare refer to the websites copied below from
Publication '96 - English
... As the first ones need heavy hardware systems due to very complex ... Congruence criteria
modification does not affect machinery from fluidodynamic point of view ... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

CHISA 2000 - Posters P1, Monday
... 942]. P1.53 Effect of the tank baffle shape on mixing of complex systems. ... P1.64 A
two- dimensional gas-solid fluidized bed for fluidodynamic characterization. ... - 34k - Cached - Similar pages

Thermie Project < - [Translate this page ]
... can be generalised to an arbitrary number of different measurement systems ... pressure,temperature,
etc.), coming from the sensors provide a set of fluidodynamic ... attivita/thermie/therm4c.html - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF]A partially static turbine ­ first experimental results
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Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document.
... turbine does take place in our experimental device, confirming the fluidodynamic ... confirms
experimentally, that indeed a coupling of the low pressure systems ... - Similar pages

Biographic Sketches
... His research interests include: Modeling and Control of Thermo- Fluidodynamic ... Design
of Turbomachinery; Modeling and Optimal Management of Bio-Economic Systems ... - 31k - Cached - Similar pages

SOCRATES Programme
... compressors , axial compressors, three-dimensional flow; combustion systems ... rolling
friction and wear; lubricants; hydrodynamic lubrication; fluidodynamic ... - 27k - Cached - Similar pages
File Format: Adobe PostScript - View as Text
... aBT. T . c) rank k and 2k updates d) solving triangular systems ... a broad range of applications
(material science, electromagnetism, neural networks, fluidodynamic ...
Similar pages

Flavio Murolo
center) for TELESCIENCE control of a microgravity fluidodynamic ... 2524/EnCVFlavioMurolo.html - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

Dottori di ricerca
... Conti A.: Isotopic study of calcite vein systems related to shear zones in ... of a device
for the synthesis of equivalents of natural sublimates and fluidodynamic ... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

Preprint 2002-012
... Abstract: This paper is concerned with a fluidodynamic model for traffic ... by electronic
or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems ... - 4k - Cached - Similar pages


Kind regards,

Giuseppe (Melecci)
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17 hrs

flow dynamic system

secondo Marolli e mia esperienza la "fluodinamica" è "flow dynamics" (scienza del moto dei liquidi e dei gas che investono dei corpi, in tubi, ecc.);
pertanto un sistema (o impianto) fluodinamico è flow dynamic system

Note added at 2002-08-31 07:57:54 (GMT)

Da Google, anche:
... our understanding of how a dynamic-flow
system operates so that intelligent decisions can be made and costly ...
Peer comment(s):

disagree costanza_p : Mi dispiace ma la fuidodinamica si traduce con Fluid Dynamics. Fluido e' fluid e non flow, che invece significa flusso. Fisicamente la differenza tra flusso e fluido e' notevole (ho un dottorato in fluidodinamica, quindi me ne intendo abbastanza! :)
11 hrs
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2 days 19 hrs


Ringrazio costanza_p per la sua osservazione e mi inchino di fronte alle sue conoscenze!
Io sono un "povero" Dr. Ing. in Ingegneria Meccanica e Navale, dove ovviamente si studia, idraulica e la Idrodinamica della nave e avendo lavorato 30 anni nel campo dei compressori d'aria... dovrei sapere che cos'è la "fluodinamica".
Dato che non sono un madrelingua,ho citato il Diz. Marolli e uno dei tanti siti su Google.
In particolare il Marolli anche dall'inglese, sotto "flow" per "flow dinamics" indica fluodinamica; mentre sotto fluid non c'è "fluid dynamics".
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