Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

albero di commando

English translation:

drive shaft

Added to glossary by achisholm
Nov 13, 2003 12:39
21 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Italian term

albero di commando

Italian to English Tech/Engineering
"ciascuna delle unità di derivazione comprende una flangia collegata ad una rubinetto o saracinesca d'intercattazione avente un albero di commando azionabile da una maniglia"

Is this a control rod - or otherwise?
Proposed translations (English)
4 +4 drive shaft

Proposed translations

7 mins

drive shaft

comando nel senso di azionamento
Peer comment(s):

agree Gian
13 mins
agree Giovanna Lupi
4 hrs
agree A.M. M.
14 hrs
agree rugiada
14 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks."
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